The truck also had one of those “don’t tread on me” decals, if it helps narrow it down.
Not a university, maybe a local sports team? Would you feel comfortable sharing the state this was spotted in/which state the license plate was from?
(Narrator voice; it was a university)
The truck had Massachusetts plates, and the other “Don’t Tread on Me” decal had “Live Free or Die” (the New Hampshire state motto) printed below it.
As far as I know New Hampshire University is always abbreviated as “NHU”, so I’m not sure what the “NU” might be.
Pretty sure I got it! Looks to be a recolored version of one of Norwich University’s logos. Search for NU sports logo got a hit in maroon and gold; reversed image searched and received these results.
I think that is a confirmed solve.
I had no idea what a private senior military college was, so this is an interesting learn.