"A provocative act by former Australian of the Year Grace Tame has stolen the limelight – again – at a morning tea with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for recipients of the 2025 awards.
The 2021 winner wore a “F*** Murdoch” T-shirt when she was greeted by Mr Albanese and his fiancee, Jodie Haydon, at The Lodge in Canberra on Saturday.
The PM and Ms Haydon smiled and greeted Ms Tame, but there was no visible reaction to the incendiary statement on her shirt." https://michaelwest.com.au/from-side-eye-to-show-stopper-as-tame-stuns-pm/
She is DEFINITELY the Australian of the year now, in everyone’s books. What a legend
Never heard of this person, like them already.
That woman is amazing, damn.
And I thought she was awesome when she refused to smile to Scummo.
I’m SO glad my sensitive… sensibilities were protected! Can’t be reading things like FUCK on the Internet…!
I read this article, but I still don’t understand. Am from US… Apologies for density.
That guy Albanese is our PM which is similar to a president. His party is center left.
Every year on Australia day we declare someone to be Australian of the year. She was that person in 2018. She was recognised for her advocacy of survivors of abuse.
At that time we had a conservative government. Grace gave that cunt a wicked side eye.
Anyhow, she was recently invited to some function with our current PM because she’s so great, and he’s not so terrible. She showed up with a shirt that says “fuck murdoch”, referring to Rupert Murdoch, the guy that owns a bunch of media outlets and uses them to support conservative narratives.
In summary, her shirt says something every left leaning voter (and the PM) want to say, but usually wouldn’t in polite company. She obviously just doesn’t give a fuck about that.
Excellent synopsis! Thank you!
Rupert Murdock is Australian and owns all the worldwide right wing news rags. Saying Fuck Murdock to the Australian pm seems like speaking a raw opinion to power with no fucks to give
Oh my God look at that kind of decisive action. I haven’t seen such a powerful statement since Gelinda the good witch just changed her name to just Glinda those rich people that didn’t respond at all to this must be shaking in their boots as they get called out by Grace Tame who is mostly there as a bare bones apology for the systems meant to protect her being directly responsible for her abuse as a way to save face.
Look good on her for not letting them have the simple easy photoshoot for vapid political wins. It’s just annoying that this is still treated as some huge action when the people it’s meant to call out are basically non-impacted at all. It’s a shame this is as far as a punch they can get for being monsters.
Self censoring will never not be jarring. Fuck censoring yourself.
This literally has no context