Hooray, I’m several of those.
And just like everybody else, you forgot the Native Americans.
You know, the ones that they’re trying to remove their citizenship based on some 140-year-old law that has already been superseded by other better law?
One of my best friends in childhood was Duwamish, and his family had it rough. Haven’t seen him in 50 years, and all that was forgotten come meme-making time. I’m guilty as charged, sorry.
I really, really, don’t understand how/why Native Americans are treated so bad. It makes no sense to me. Then their artifacts and regalia will be copied or sold for top dollar. It’s insane.
They want the land
Oh shit, why hadn’t that come up in my head? You’re right. I’m dumb.
Poor is the most loaded word here. Less than $300K a year is probably the cutoff.
How did we get to this, I thought the progress he have made would have actually stuck in some people’s heads (I’ve voters). Unfortunately, some people don’t understand what the progress was for because all they think about are their wallets and control of others
ah thank god
And yet there is so many people thinking they will make an exception for them.
“I’m one of them, surely they will spare me as I’m part of the group, right?”
schadenfraude, we’re gonna live of schadenfraude for 4 long years
If we’re lucky then Trump dies, there won’t really be another cult of personality like him. Even now he’s coasting on his old persona, he’s just a grumpy old man with limited ability to remember much of anything.
Vance would be much worse than Trump, Vance can take orders.
He would be cyberbullied to death.
Doesn’t matter if we cyber bully him or not, Putin would bully him for real.
Vance is the reason I absolutely don’t wish Trump dead.
… or actually dependent on social security or medicare …
I’m not even in the US and I’m worrying. Especially due to the fact that I’m both Moroccan and queer (specifically aroace). Guess I’m not visiting the US at all during his term.
Don’t visit us. Don’t travel here. They need to understand there’s financial consequences to making this country unwelcoming.
This is the advice I’m following. And it’s really sad because I was so interested in seeing the US in person for a really long time. Now some scumbag came to ruin it all.
We’d love to see you after we fix our little fascist infestation.
Ace of hearts here:
At least us ace folk can hide more easily. Nobody knows I’m ace unless I specifically tell them. I don’t hide it - it’s just not a topic that comes up. I’m just a single dude as far as most people know.
It’s not really as easy for me because I’ve been a victim of sexual harassment quite a few times, mostly by men (I am male). Classmates keep resenting me for “not acting normal” and have accused me of misogyny and being gay. Parents called my asexuality “not normal at all”. Hell, my dad accused me of atheism simply for not wanting children. I just can’t stand being bullied by society all the time.
Screw ‘society’. You’re better than ‘society’.
If you’re ever in Seattle, DM me and I’ll take you to breakfast.
Ace of hearts
Always there’s some new insider lingo I don’t know. Sounds good, but what’s it mean?
Romantic asexual. My gf and I do all the couple stuff, minus the sexuality.
Ah, got it, thanks.
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You live in a place where nobody has an issue with not being interested in relationships. But where I live, it’s literally a giant problem.
Also, yeah I might not get deported, but I could still face arrest, you know. At this point it’s a miracle nobody managed to convince the police that I deserve to be in jail in my country, let alone the US under the new Trump administration.
And I never wanted to immigrate to the US, I just wanted to drop in and say hi, spend time for a few weeks and leave. That alone requires a visa too, you know. And different countries get different amounts of restrictions. I’m just glad I’m not banned from entry altogether. And even then, facing prejudice is still very possible.
You quite literally ruined my day.
Too many idiots and trolls walk among us, but that one’s gone.
What are you saying? That contacting the police is insufficient for someone’s personal safety and defense?
Perhaps the democrats should reconsider their anti gun policies then.
Incredibly, the republicans were right all along
I fit in at least 5 of those
Have you tried not being you are?
working on it!
I know you’re both joking, and it’s funny, but also jeez it’s sad.
its definitely a cope through humor 🥲
some are gonna be really hard, like gaslighting myself to believe there’s a magic friend in the sky
Tried that for a while, but I couldn’t pull it off.
Why make the orange one red and the red one orange?
Judge them not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, which for both of them is shit.
Even if you don’t match any of them… worry
Yep. I’m cis, literally the whitest kid you know, and male. I just bought a backup crossbow.
In case your primary crossbow jams up? Clever.
A crossbow in either hand.
Good if you want to cross bows.
Saying the word ‘cis’ puts you on the list, I’m sure.
More like another list. I’ve been on lists before.
Ha! That’s exactly the ‘clip’ that played in my head reading your comment, even before clicking the link.
Nobody’s going to be fine. Tariffs on our 3 biggest trade partners are going to raise the prices of nearly everything by 25%
Who could possibly have the foresight to know that making things more expensive won’t lower the prices?
I’m going to be good all the way. I’m happy being dead knowing I’m not on the same plane of existence as these douche nozzles.
Well, not soon, I hope.
That’s my escape route, too. I’m bloody old, and hoping to be dead before the complete collapse of everything. But I’m healthy, and Trump is really floorboarding us toward the end, so…
I’ve apparently seen the best the world has to offer. “Living in the lap of luxury” technology provides (excusing all the nightmares) and I’m not impressed. We can deal with all our external physical needs apparently but lord help us if we try to address the deep hurt and suffering we cause one another everyday.
Yeah, society is insane, and was even before Trump and his ilk. Everyone is at least a little fucked-up in the head, and the few people who seem fairly sane are probably just better at hiding their troubles. I’ve got e-hugs if you need one.
But how can a non existent being be happy?
I’m British so I’m not saying the next few years are going to be the rosiest for me but I’m thankful I don’t have to deal with decisions made by these dick bags.
Isn’t Elon interfering with your government as well?
He’s trying but I don’t think anyone’s taking him seriously
Trump was a laughing stock literally up until the night of the election in 2016. Don’t ever think that “Being taken seriously” is a prerequisite for seizing control.