“Sorry, I got to return this video”
“Mike? I love that guy, I got him on speed dial”
“Do you have any quarters for a phone?”
“Bill Cosby really is America’s dad”
“Can I borrow that VHS?”
“Sorry, I can’t come. My favourite show is on”
“Do you know where a phone is?”
“Call me after 9. I ran out of minutes.”
Call me back, I got free incoming calls
I forgot about free nights and weekends!
“I’m excited for what the future has in store for me.”
hey rich people probably still say that
“Osama Bin who?” And in a similar vein, “Jihad? That’s a Dune reference, right?”
“I’ll cash in on my Beanie Baby investment when it’s time to pay for my kid’s college tuition.”
“The internet is just a fad.”
“I’m so excited for the next The Matrix sequel.”
“Two bedrooms and a walk-out basement. $300 a month rent.”
Hah! Not those exact words but Angela Merkel in 2007: “The Internet is new territory for all of us”.
“Sorry, I got to return this video”
2004 is when the Blockbuster video rental chain was at its peak (cite), and VHS was still in wide use at the time having only been surpassed by DVD rentals a year earlier. Speed dial was also still a thing then, payphones still exist today, and, although complaints were filed against Bill Cosby much earlier the public wasn’t widely aware of them until 2014.
How about “John Kerry is the candidate who can prevent a second Bush term” ?
It’s weird how slow things really are. In 2006 you could have rented a VHS from blockbuster and gone home and upload it to YouTube.
I think you’ll still need specialized equipment to hookup a VHS machine to a computer and digitize it.
Nope. RCA > S-Video, HDMI, or FireWire. Any of the three would have worked at the time. And many VCRs had either HDMI, VGA, or S-Video out.
It’s not working? Try blowing into the cartridge again.
Still doesn’t work
“No body ever got fired for choosing IBM”
I ironically said that when I was working for IBM.
They don’t actually fire, they do “performance improvement plans”.
Ah yeah, the classic PIP’d manoever. I worked with a few good guys who got
fired without causePIP’d and let go even though their performance was fineBeen at Facebook 4 years? Not management? Get ready for the PIP.