I’ve only gotten more progressive as time goes on because of all [gestures vaguely] this.
I’m a former Trump supporter. I will never support Republicans or MAGA ever again after all they’ve done. So I’ve aged but I’ve become more progressive and open minded, not more conservative.
What changed your mind?
It was Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic that got me started questing things, the rise of the anti-vax among his supporters and the violence that happened after the election. Then over the four years I started to change my mind about more and more things and repeatably realized I was wrong.
What’s the screenshot from?
I was libertarian in my 20s.
Now I’m 40 and –
ARISE, YE WORKERS FROM YOUR SLUMBER…You have nothing to lose but your chains!
I am becoming more conservative…we have to return to the old ways…let’s go fight Nazis in the streets