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Me: That doesn’t seem right. OH. Oh, I am stupid.
That is a masterfully crafted mansplaining trap.
- Number of hydrogen atoms in a single molecule of water (H2O): 2
- Number of stars in our (ENTIRE) solar system: 1
That’s the joke.
There are fewer hydrogen atoms in a single molecule of water than there are fingers on my hand.
Check and mate.
So do we not count the mini suns being created at places like Livermore Labs? 🤔
We can’t make plasma dense enough to have significant convention over radiance, and the longest active run is only a minute or so. We’re a good way away from plasma stable enough to be called a star, although it’s getting closer. Hydrogen bombs are probably the closest we have so far.
Click here if you don't understand
There is only one star in our solar system - the Sun.
And if you somehow still don't get it, click here
Meanwhile, there are two hydrogen atoms in a water molecule - H2O
If you're still having trouble, click here
2 is greater than 1