No need to. Biden can have the 6 corrupt justices killed. He has the immunity and he can pick new justices. If members of the senate refuse to put the new justices on the bench, have them killed too. No rules anymore.
Liberal politicians do not need to be the ones to make sure #1 happens. The second amendment literally exists so the citizens have the capacity to do that ourselves.
It wasn’t a joke from me. Democracy dies when the good man does nothing. I am a good man and I will fight for this democracy, as fucked up as it is. The right believes the left to be weak pacifists because we choose compromise, tolerance, and acceptance over bigotry, hate, and subjugation. They will need to learn the hard way that we choose that because we know that mutually beneficial social contracts make living better and provide a safe, prosperous world. They obviously do not want to be party to these social contracts with me, so I will not allow them any of the safety or benefits.
He does, but why would the president tell the army to do nothing when the people are rising up against said president? Nobody is that stupid, any rise up against the government will end with the military curb stomping it in about 15 minutes.
Who says he can’t? The Supreme Court just said that he’s immune from “official acts” without even defining what that would mean. Who determines what is and isn’t an official act? The President? The Supreme Court? Right now, as this ruling is worded, all bets are off. There’s nothing stopping a sitting President from just arbitrarily declaring someone as a threat to national security and having them picked off by ST6 as an “official act to prevent a terrorist attack against the United States”, then just having the details classified.
Having something criminal declared as an “official act” is piss-easy, especially when you’re in charge of the branch making the decision and you have one of the other branches in your back pocket, possibly both.
Don’t bother with this “user”. Look at their comment history. The person showed up today to defend this obvious act against democracy. My guess is a Russian/Chinese misinformation promoter.
The laws about that were just thrown out the window with this ruling. Everything is an official act as long as he was president when he stated it to he done. Ordering fries from McDonald’s is now an official act as well.
There’s some hyperbole in these threads for sure, but not a lot. The president can’t handwave away the bill of rights, because nothing in the constitution gives them that power.
However, the president does have the authority as commander in chief of authorizing lethal force against individuals. If Biden authorized Seal Team 6 to execute Trump, that is in fact an official act that he has the authority to perform. Sure maybe it is technically not legal, but that doesn’t matter since the president has complete immunity from criminal law. The house could still draft articles of impeachment but the senate would be unable to remove the president because the president is immune to criminal proceedings.
And if Trump wants to create an organization to round up and execute all the gays (and the Jews, of course), he has the power to do that; and with today’s ruling, he will never face consequences for doing so.
Irreparable damage has been done to American democracy today.
The supreme court disagrees with you, but OK I’ll bite.
Why can’t a president kill an american citizen on american soil? Because it’s illegal? Do you understand that that that no longer applies to the president?
The president can’t commit criminal acts and claim it was an official capacity, lol.
What the fuck do you mean “lol”. That is PRECISELY what this ruling does. It removes criminal liability for anything that is done as an official act, which is entirely fucking subjective, and up to the interpretation of a corrupt, coopted judiciary. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
No, that’s not how any of this works. You clearly don’t understand. A person of power cannot commit a crime and claim it was in official capacity, because the act itself is against the law and cannot be committed without consequence.
The stupidity of this statement truly strains belief given the actual verbiage in this ruling. May you suffer the full weight and consequences of that stupidity.
You can organize a coup to overthrow the government and claim it’s an official act, there’s absolutely nothing stopping a president from claiming assassinations are an official act now. Hell, the commander in chief already organizes assassinations on foreign targets.
The Democrats might not abuse this, but the Republicans will, and they have given themselves carte blanche to start killing political dissidents.
While i agree with you, it’s a huge grey area. Like Biden could have trump assassinated and then claim that his constitutional duties require him to protect the cotus from enemies both foreign and domestic.
The ruling says that Biden would have charges brought against him, and the court (not the supreme Court mind you) would decide wether or not the act was in an official capacity.
In fact, it would have to be the DoJ or Congress that did so - Biden could order the DoJ to stop, and arguably could have anyone in Congress killed or jailed without trial by stating that they presented a clear danger to democracy by trying to impeach him.
No need to. Biden can have the 6 corrupt justices killed. He has the immunity and he can pick new justices. If members of the senate refuse to put the new justices on the bench, have them killed too. No rules anymore.
Strategically speaking liberal politicians are backed into a corner and only have two real options:
Seize control preemptively, promoting conservative conspiracy to prophecy, and likely inciting CW2.
Hand over full control come January and hope they continue to maintain some privilege under a new regime.
They’re already in check, but more concerned with soliciting large donations and collecting hot stick tips.
We want them to do option 1, but know they are going to choose option 2.
I want to move away so bad
Go. Start some research, and head out. Many countries you can just enter. Call it a vacation for the first year and see if you like it.
Liberal politicians do not need to be the ones to make sure #1 happens. The second amendment literally exists so the citizens have the capacity to do that ourselves.
200 years ago though, now you’ll get shit stomped by the military. The 2a thing is honestly a joke.
It wasn’t a joke from me. Democracy dies when the good man does nothing. I am a good man and I will fight for this democracy, as fucked up as it is. The right believes the left to be weak pacifists because we choose compromise, tolerance, and acceptance over bigotry, hate, and subjugation. They will need to learn the hard way that we choose that because we know that mutually beneficial social contracts make living better and provide a safe, prosperous world. They obviously do not want to be party to these social contracts with me, so I will not allow them any of the safety or benefits.
But the president has the power to tell the army “Don’t do shit” in complete impunity.
He does, but why would the president tell the army to do nothing when the people are rising up against said president? Nobody is that stupid, any rise up against the government will end with the military curb stomping it in about 15 minutes.
This is the way.
The president can’t commit criminal acts and claim it was an official capacity, lol.
Who says he can’t? The Supreme Court just said that he’s immune from “official acts” without even defining what that would mean. Who determines what is and isn’t an official act? The President? The Supreme Court? Right now, as this ruling is worded, all bets are off. There’s nothing stopping a sitting President from just arbitrarily declaring someone as a threat to national security and having them picked off by ST6 as an “official act to prevent a terrorist attack against the United States”, then just having the details classified.
Having something criminal declared as an “official act” is piss-easy, especially when you’re in charge of the branch making the decision and you have one of the other branches in your back pocket, possibly both.
Don’t bother with this “user”. Look at their comment history. The person showed up today to defend this obvious act against democracy. My guess is a Russian/Chinese misinformation promoter.
Got me. I live in Russia.
You’re trying to play it off like a joke, but that should really trigger some introspection.
Probably is a total coincidence that you’re saying this here.
Good. Fuck off then.
That’s what laws are for.
The laws about that were just thrown out the window with this ruling. Everything is an official act as long as he was president when he stated it to he done. Ordering fries from McDonald’s is now an official act as well.
Tell me you didn’t read the ruling without telling me you didn’t read the ruling.
You just showed us you didn’t lol
If it were, Trump would have been behind bars years ago.
Trumps own legal team has described political assassinations as qualifying as an official act as president
That too is addressed in the ruling. Fancy that!
It is! in the dissenting opinion in which Sotomayor explicitly describes this ruling as granting immunity for political assassinations
There’s some hyperbole in these threads for sure, but not a lot. The president can’t handwave away the bill of rights, because nothing in the constitution gives them that power.
However, the president does have the authority as commander in chief of authorizing lethal force against individuals. If Biden authorized Seal Team 6 to execute Trump, that is in fact an official act that he has the authority to perform. Sure maybe it is technically not legal, but that doesn’t matter since the president has complete immunity from criminal law. The house could still draft articles of impeachment but the senate would be unable to remove the president because the president is immune to criminal proceedings.
And if Trump wants to create an organization to round up and execute all the gays (and the Jews, of course), he has the power to do that; and with today’s ruling, he will never face consequences for doing so.
Irreparable damage has been done to American democracy today.
The Christian Caliphate was birthed today, and Trump will be supreme Ayatollah
No, the president cannot kill an American on Americain soil. Get a hold of yourself.
At this point you need to present your evidence that they can’t because SCROTUS literally said they can
But as an official act, the president can strip someone of citizenship.
The supreme court disagrees with you, but OK I’ll bite.
Why can’t a president kill an american citizen on american soil? Because it’s illegal? Do you understand that that that no longer applies to the president?
So you are saying he just has to wait until he leaves American soil? You’re right, that’s so inconvenient.
What the fuck do you mean “lol”. That is PRECISELY what this ruling does. It removes criminal liability for anything that is done as an official act, which is entirely fucking subjective, and up to the interpretation of a corrupt, coopted judiciary. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
No, that’s not how any of this works. You clearly don’t understand. A person of power cannot commit a crime and claim it was in official capacity, because the act itself is against the law and cannot be committed without consequence.
The stupidity of this statement truly strains belief given the actual verbiage in this ruling. May you suffer the full weight and consequences of that stupidity.
And who decides how to interpret law and levy consequence? And whose pocket are they in?
Wow. You are a fucking idiot lol. Ooof. I feel bad for you.
You can organize a coup to overthrow the government and claim it’s an official act, there’s absolutely nothing stopping a president from claiming assassinations are an official act now. Hell, the commander in chief already organizes assassinations on foreign targets.
The Democrats might not abuse this, but the Republicans will, and they have given themselves carte blanche to start killing political dissidents.
Is this fascism yet, or are we waiting for the trains to run on time?
Shoutout to Voyager for implementing Apollo’s new account marker. It makes spotting trolls really easy.
But he can commit official acts that happen to be criminal. Semantics are fun!
That’s literally not true. An official act cannot be a criminal act. Once it’s a criminal act it’s unofficial.
Read the ruling.
Your logic doesn’t even follow. Why would the president need immunity for a non-criminal act? Think about it for like 2 seconds dude.
Exactly! Exactly right!
Read the ruling!
Supreme court literally just said he could by saying Jan 6 was fine for President to incite
Have you been living under a rock?
If they are traitors and terrorists, he may have to send them to Guantanamo.
The executive doesn’t put people in prison the judicial does.
That was yesterday.
Guess you missed Trump’s entire presidency.
Al-Aulaqi v. Obama made kill lists for Americans legal.
While i agree with you, it’s a huge grey area. Like Biden could have trump assassinated and then claim that his constitutional duties require him to protect the cotus from enemies both foreign and domestic.
Official act or not?
The ruling says that Biden would have charges brought against him, and the court (not the supreme Court mind you) would decide wether or not the act was in an official capacity.
Please cite where in the ruling it says charges would be brought against him.
In fact, it would have to be the DoJ or Congress that did so - Biden could order the DoJ to stop, and arguably could have anyone in Congress killed or jailed without trial by stating that they presented a clear danger to democracy by trying to impeach him.