Trump endorsed the campaigns of Cornel West and Jill Stein over the weekend, saying they're spoilers who will help him win in the fall by chipping way at Biden's support.
If you were trying to actually build a green party from the ground up in American politics, would you platform local candidates, build your bench, develop campaign offices nationwide, and actually try guiding policy - or would you drop your hat every four years so that disillusioned voters can protest vote for you?
If you were trying to actually build a green party from the ground up in American politics, would you platform local candidates, build your bench, develop campaign offices nationwide, and actually try guiding policy - or would you drop your hat every four years so that disillusioned voters can protest vote for you?
What does Stein do?
I’m not sure, that’s why I was asking the individual to elaborate. Thanks.
She runs for president and nothing else.
I don’t know why people got on your case about it, it wasn’t a bad question. I only felt that a rhetorical point had to be made
Do both.