This is me if I don’t write down the list.
“It’s just 3 things!”
“I’m gonna write it down anyway.” - me
Forgets list at home.
writes down list on phone. accidentally sends bitter rival a grocery list
“I’m so sorry, that woman over there just purchased all of our rice.“ She barely manages to wave above the overstuffed cart.
“Alright, can you point me toward the quinoa?”
“I’m so sorry, all we have left is barley.
*gasp* my gluten allergy.
Rookie mistake. You always include “Grocery list” on your grocery list, so you don’t forget.
That’s a good idea, I’ĺl leave myself a note to remember!
Exactly this. Most days I can’t even remember a simple list of 3 things at the grocery store… So I can’t fathom remembering even a portion of a debate speech.
Risk of writing down the list, it might end up here
That’s not a bad idea!
For personal use,
[voice assistant] add X to groceries
is quite convenient, but might try the printed version.
Using that would be insane vs just writing down what you fuckin need goddamn. I can’t imagine having to scroll down all those columns as I’m going around the grocers.
Also what about stuff that isn’t on that list? Now you gotta manage multiple
Your second point must’ve been a common one. I screenshotted the newer editable version, so you can remove the pets and the arsenic or whatnot and add the handle of vodka etc.
Uhm… chips. Cookies. Oh right, Milk.
Compile a few of these and what would the caption be?
At the grocery store, confused, and…just pooped my pants
Trump shitting his pants in the debate lives in my brain forever
That’s because he wears a diaper
Me remembering my wife telling me to get “just the essentials” at the grocery store eyeing up the ciggies, beer, and lottery tickets with our families last 20$ until payday in my pocket.
It’s interesting to me to think about the optics of posting memes like this.
On one hand, it’s funny, and 99% of the Lemmy community would vote for him over Trump.
On the other, if it was posted anywhere else I would be worried about the implication of scoring an own-goal.
I’m scared the election will be a close call, I really don’t know how good of an idea it is to clown on Biden (even though, as aforementioned, it’s funny, and shouldn’t convince anyone to vote for Trump).
I do know what you mean. Idk, I feel like when in a small enough community as it is being on Lemmy. Only so many people will see this anyway. We’re already a fringe group.
Tbh I wish Biden didn’t have to be an option to begin with. But I’ll still vote for him over Trump. Hell, I’d vote for a bag of rocks over Trump. At least the bag of rocks can’t possibly be gunning to become a horrifying dictator.
Honestly, if it’s a close call Trump/SCOTUS and all their cronies will steal it anyway
Don’t worry. It’s not going to be a close call.
You think Trump will walk away with it?
And then asking the grocery store employee “you know if you guys carry that bread I always like?”
Oh my fucking God I was so startled and amused that I made dying horse noises. Well done, OP.
Yeah dummies, those faces Biden was making weren’t him forgetting, they were incredulous expressions in response to the lies Trump was putting out during the debate.
Some were, some weren’t. He did have some senior moments, like claiming he wanted to beat medicare.
I did notice he had many moments of straight up disbelief on his face at the thought that he is seriously supposed to be debating these man. I felt for him when he made those faces in those moments.
But this isn’t one of those. Most of the time it just looked like he was absolutely terrified and distracted by something we couldn’t see off screen that wasn’t Trump.