Wow US,
WTF are you doing.
You were founded on the idea that no one is above the law. That’s why you tossed aside the monarchy.
Sounds like the wrong party has been hoarding weapons.
Jesus, this is bleak. In a week they’ve straight-up legalized giving gifts to officials as an overt gratuity and declared Presidents immune from the law.
Part of me wants to see the current President take advantage of this moment to forcibly install a Court that will quickly overturn these decisions and return us to sanity.
They made this decision knowing full well Biden is too spineless and stuck in the eighties to do it.
Oh no o was sleeping on the gifts one, what happened there?
An excellent point.
Same as average Germans in 1900 or 1930; just barely scraping by or worse, with not actual representation in the decisions being made by traitors behind closed doors.
We will be hated and abused just as much as anyone. I hope the coming shift in relevant world powers will do a better job. This will soon be the new Italian peninsula of Rome. People are too stupid here to realize that the emperors of Rome were due to the consolidation of wealth. It resulted in massive civil wars and the eventual export of all Roman wealth to Constantinople. The USA will be the Italian peninsula of the late Roman era.
It’s fine. We have an 81-year-old who jumps from his strongest issue — abortion — to his weakest issue — immigration mid-sentence who will save us from this downward spiral into fascism.
I’m told <checks notes> that this is the best we’ve got.
Yeap, sounds about right!
In the interest of national security against threats foreign and domestic Biden should deport the conservative justices and the orange turd to Antarctica.
Nah, send them adrift in international waters. Let them find a new home. Don’t ruin Antarctica.
These’s legitimately important science happening there, and that’s way too much hot air to add to such a fragile environment.
ETA: maybe send them to Cuba. They’d hate that.
We are in the midst of a decades long coup.
Nobody gives a shit because people no longer have the ability to percieve things happening at that time scale.
Fox News worked out great. These dumbshit Americans believe anything if they see it on tv.
It’s not that they “no longer have the ability.” Most people have never been able to comprehend things on that time scale when it’s happening in real-time. It’s only after the fact that people are able to look back and see clear signs and the early groundwork being laid.
Strong “frog in water being slowly brought to boiling” vibes :(
This been in the making for last 50 years. It finally coming to frustrations.
This been in the making for last 50 years.
Corporate America has been trying to make this a fascist country since the 1930s.
Nominate the six judges to lower court positions
The constitution only says that being a federal judge is permanent, not necessarily being a justice.
I think this would absolutely be the play to burn the bridges with the obstruction caucus among the senate dems, just hit them with the full weight of that bully pulpit devil may care.
These judges have gone rogue and it is absolutely worth making Joe Manchin mad to remind the courts they’re servants of the people.
It would go to the Supreme Court to rule whether that is a legit thing to do 😭
“John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”
Marbury v Madison is how the courts gave themselves the right of judicial review, and everyone just kinda agreed. And they just gutted separated powers.
The Robert’s court has destroyed its legitimacy, both in opinion and ethics. It’s time to clean house, and fix the top court.
Not really, I’m pretty sure laws about the courts are necessarily part of the exemption clause, because why should the people a rule is being written to correct the behavior of get to just say no to the new rule?
Impeach Thomas for undue influence and seditious activity. Same for Alito. Boof for perjury, not sure what to do with Gorsuch and The Handmaiden yet.
Innocent until proven guilty; if Gorsuch and Barrett suck but haven’t done anything objectively, legally wrong then we need to give them a pass for now. Otherwise, it delegitimizes the very legitimate cases against Thomas and Alito. I think Kavanaugh has worse skeletons than perjury to go after. He had mountains of debt that conveniently vanished right around the time he was nominated, and I can’t definitively say that that’s evidence that he was bought and paid for but I can tell you that if he were bought and paid for that this is one of only a few avenues that it would happen through. He absolutely should not have been confirmed and there should’ve already been an investigation into whether he’s beholden to anybody due to financial insecurity. It’s why you get a credit check in addition to a background check before you can have any kind of security clearance. After all, we wouldn’t want to have anybody stealing and selling classified documents and national security secrets, would we? 🙃
Yeah. Barrett has been only real terrible, not the ultra-terrible i expected. Gorsuch’s seat is stolen, but I guess that’s not his fault as such. Let’s go with the plan as-stated.
How’s that trebuchet-into-the-sun going? That ready yet?
I hear Boeing has some spacecraft now that totally works.
If the goal is to slowly degrade our democracy to nothing we did a great job holding out against all odds this last 8 years. If tomorrow everyone wants to wake up and do something about it, I’m with ya.
Peaceful Protesting Only Works for So Long
So the NY judge should put him in prison, in gen pop.
“He has control of the senate and the courts”
You ever feel like the dems don’t pack the court not because they want “the moral highroad”, but because they want the conservative rulings while crying victim?
Because it feels like it sometimes
I think Clinton’s charge to single-payer was a nightmare that anyone who remembers it doesn’t want to repeat. Expanding the court will be like that. Hopefully all the republican-lite lifers will give way to proper progressives, uh, quickly.
Not being willing to break things is what got Dems into this position in the first place.
I agree, anything we do - they will do worse - unencumbered by ethics or morals.
We would have to shut the door behind us. Sounds shitty, but that’s what project 2025 is going to do for Republicans.
There will be no undoing of whatever happens whenever the next Republican becomes president. This is the last chance for politics to save us from that reality. We can sacrifice a few longstanding norms, knowing the risks. Or we can watch Republicans shatter all norms including the few we were trying to protect.
Hopefully. Would be nice to have an actually left wing Dem party
Start your own party. Start small: county commissions, sheriffs, and the like in low-population counties. Build a deep bench of people who have experience in legislative, executive, and judicial positions. Make the core principles about workers rights and make sure constituents are holding elected officials accountable to those principles.
We’re called The SexyTimes FlagHavers Party, running for county commission, sheriff, and the like. Donations are tax-deductible. Damn glad to meet ya.
Would be nice except you won’t have the millions of dollars in backing that the teabaggers did.
Really brought back big Hillary vibes when Biden tried to say this in reference to Trump.
Like, I get the idea to celebrate a W, but people are politically engaged these days, and obviously know it’s not true.
Just a completely tone deaf comment than anyone with any idea of how voters feel would ever have phrased it that way.
They tried to make a slogan and it blew up in their faces.
Because Biden and his campaign are out of touch with voters.