Zelda II is now on the SNES!
A talented developer named Infidelity has ported Zelda II: The Adventure of Link from its original version to Nintendo’s 16-bit platform.
Port status: Infidelity invites players to try out this adaptation, emphasizing that it is fully playable from start to end. He also advises them to review the included README file which details all known issues needing further refinement.
Are you a fan of the original Zelda II?
Why hasn’t Nintendo done anything yet? It’s weird.
It would require Nintendo to acknowledge the existence of Zelda II.
God. I hated it lol
Nintendo are weird. Sometimes they don’t do anything for years and then suddenly lawsuit over 10 gazillion in damages. When doing anything unlicensed with Nintendo properties, the rules of thumb are: Keep it low key, don’t monetize it. Both common sense rules Infidelity didn’t care to follow.
I’m guessing because he’s not selling the ROM, the Patreon only gave you early access. It seems to have now been made available to the public for free.
On archive.org, where it’s been removed
It was on archive org and it was already taken down. Only a matter of time for Patreon as well.
Edit, the link changed. Here’s his Archive page with all the his work: https://archive.org/details/@infidelity
It looks like they took it down themselves and uploaded a revised version. It’s there on their user page.
It’s there, I just downloaded it.
Maybe a new upload then. The one in their tweet was taken down
Where did you get it? The internet archive link from the article said “item not available”.
Dunno if I’m allowed to post links to it or not, but search on there for infidelity zelda ii and you should be able to find it.
There are Zelda I, Metroid, and Kid Icarus SNES ports as well that have been around a while.