That’s pretty interesting, but it’s a meeting software. So I’m regularly sharing my screen and sharing files. So I need to be in the os. I’ll just key checking it every time a roster counts out for proton or the app I use.
Ah, admittedly I avoid that problem entirely, I have an MTR, a ZR, etc running on devices here (hardware/software testing stuff), so I don’t need to run meetings on my desktop often.
Edit: Just to note, I’ve done USB passthrough with VMs that were ZR builds and such, so that can be done. But I think if your sharing from there it can get messy (USB video capture and such as your sharing method, so on).
That’s pretty interesting, but it’s a meeting software. So I’m regularly sharing my screen and sharing files. So I need to be in the os. I’ll just key checking it every time a roster counts out for proton or the app I use.
Ah, admittedly I avoid that problem entirely, I have an MTR, a ZR, etc running on devices here (hardware/software testing stuff), so I don’t need to run meetings on my desktop often.
Edit: Just to note, I’ve done USB passthrough with VMs that were ZR builds and such, so that can be done. But I think if your sharing from there it can get messy (USB video capture and such as your sharing method, so on).
So stream your desktop to the VM?