An unrepentant Bannon has been making the rounds of the same mainstream media he claims to despise.
Stop giving this asshole air time, you dumb fucks.
But . . . but . . . the clicks!! . . . Can’t ya hear ‘em? Can’t ya see the ad revenue? Ahhhhh . . It’s glorious! So. much. ad. revenue . . . .
Turns out Bannon was Stupid Hitler 2 all along. When does Steve’s Podcast title “My Fight” come out my?
Monday can’t come fast enough.
It’s 18 minutes to Monday in London, as I write this
You’re an hour off, it’s already Monday there. London is on Summer Time, so they are an hour ahead of where they usually are
Oh! I thought “daylight savings” was another US-only thing like our Freedom units and our slobbering worship of guns.
The UK uses Freedom units too, but they are called Imperial units.
whatever happened to “No platform for fascists!” ?
There was some punctuation missing. “No, platform for fascists!”
The really great thing is how he has all kinds of intelligent ideas to share before he goes. /s
Eat shit, asshole.
Like going to prison is going to shut him up.
At best we might get less of his bullshit for a while.
“I’m . . I’m gonna miss all the cocaine,” he sobbed, “and the bourbon!” He took another long swig from the bottle, and ran his finger repeatedly from the counter to his gums. His tears flowed. “I’m gonna miss it all . . . so much.”
Just saw a video from him and my God he’s bought into the great war thing.
Getcher prison pocket ready, fucker