At this rate, my entire comment history is just going to be mini freakouts about fucking cunts censoring “fucking cunt” on the internet. We’re allowed to be dicks here. Talking about dicks is fine.
Don’t bend over backwards to make this space advertiser friendly. Be weird!
Dude, most of these memes are stolen from somewhere else. Like nobody is going to put the effort it to find the source or edit it to decensor
I can’t force anyone to uncensor a post, but I can be annoying in the comments if they don’t.
This is the way.
Speak for yourself.
Hey, you try to fat-finger one of those shitty mobile editors next time.
Great job! You’re hired.
Yeah but now it’s poorly cropped. DW I got this
Yeah, it drives me nuts because that’s obviously what it is. MTV went to shit when they introduced commercials. Anytime you’re selling shit to the masses, God forbid you alienate a group of people because you said the word cunt.
I’ll go one step further and say fuck PG-13 ratings. If you take an R concept and make it PG-13, I know it’s going to be shit.
not saying cunt is offensive towards cunts- i mean australians
Fuck you cunt
And a merry fuck off to you too!
You think lemmy has original content? 🤣 Are you a fucking stupid? 🤣
I assume the censorship was probably done by the original poster of the image. Not much point un-censoring it in that case.
Well, I don’t think it will recognise words like fucking or Cunt oh well it does Cunt is even written capital.
Android voice to text capitalizes the weirdest things. It kind of drives me crazy having to go back and un-capitalize words.
Maybe It’s Some Sort Of Sovereign Citizen Thing?
Android voice also suffers from late stage Capitalism, soon all Letters Will BE CAPITALIZED
but android auto reads out the message and asks if this is what you want to send. I usually just answer “yeah sure whatever” if it’s either close enough or funny.
And this is how I find out that the closest place name to that word is “Cunta” in Indonesia.
However, the road the brothels were on in English towns were apparently known as “Gropecunt Lane,” so I learned that today.
Ah well, there will always be Dildo, Canada.
Dildo is in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. We have provinces here, that’s kind of like saying you’re visiting Phoenix, USA.
People say that sort of thing all the time when not from the U.S.
Huh - I had no idea we have more than one Phoenix…
People aren’t original. See: New ___
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why’d they changed it I can’t say
People just liked it better that way
See: New Zealand, and also the names of the two islands that make it up… North Island and South Island
Why are there missing letters?
probably because the screenshot was found on a platform that would shadow delete a post for “bad words”, think tiktok or instagram
Gods that is so fucking stupid…
Nah,that’s just how happily married couples talk to each other. They both know its said with love.
Like Australians. If they call you cunt, you’re good. If they call you mate, you’d better watch out.
So, if you call an aussie a cunt, and the reply is “I’m not your focking cont, moyte!”, that’s a very aggressive fighting call, correct?