“My firstborn child died in my arms. I felt his last heartbeat,” Musk tweeted. “I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame.”
And now he’s throwing his own dead kid under the bus. But hey, it’s a money bus.
He lied about his firstborn dying in his arms.
She continued: “Elon made it clear that he did not want to talk about Nevada’s death. I didn’t understand this, just as he didn’t understand why I grieved openly, which he regarded as ‘emotionally manipulative’.
This is horrible.
I can’t even imagine telling any grieving mother, let alone my wife, to stop talking about her dead baby because it makes me feel bad.
deleted by creator
But free speech /s
How can you tell when Elon is lying?
His mouth os moving…
Imagine being so wealthy and powerful you never have to be ashamed. Elmo will never have to be confronted with criticism except on his own terms. Their are legions who will stroke his ego and eloquently explain why he’s always in the right.
Never being confronted with your mistakes is worse than making you arrogant… it rots your fucking brain. You become lazy and uncritical of yourself. You become stupid. Being a “great man” is a degenerative neurological disorder.
Gee, next thing he’ll probably accuse someone of trying to blackmail him by paying him.
I’m starting to think these right-wingers just aren’t trustworthy!
Do you think he describes himself as a dad or does he require being called a founder?
The best part about rich people is they suffocate just like the rest of us if you put plastic bags over their heads. Same with falling from great heights. You’d think they bounce and be fine but nope, they pop right open
He probably has his children call him Mr. Musk.
They’re not people to be loved, they’re just part of his plan to fight the bullshit Great Replacement of white people he and his white supremacist friends are convinced is happening.
I doubt they talk to him at all.
His trans daughter certainly doesn’t. She disowned him. Imagine how terrible a father he has to be to disown the richest man in the world.
And he was lying about that too.
'course he will. Shit stains of a color… stain the same underwear together…
eh. not as briliant as “birds of a feather”… but it works.
Poop Stains 2024
That will bring back the large corporate advertisers.
Who TF is using Twitter anymore to even care? Let that trash fire burn itself out.
Way too many people.
It’s like 50% bots. No cap.
well, that should really help attract advertisers
Alex Jones is rich because of advertising unfortunately.
Alex Jones owes a lot of money. Him being rich is debatable
Yeah, perhaps “made a lot of money from advertising” is more accurate
I am so, so tired of this man.
Gary Vee once said that he doesn’t traffic in money or selling products, he traffics in attention. Thats really stuck with me. Gary Vee is a grifter and a snake oil salesman, but he’s 100% right about the modern landscape of capitalism. The money is almost gone. It’s almost entirely hoarded by the billionaire dragons. Now the ruling class just pulls stunts like this to anger us and distract us from realizing that our lives would be so much better if these people no longer existed.
Musk and Zuck can’t stand losing relevance. So the best thing you can do is ignore them.
Desperate for that blue check money
This is not news.
It’s more just reporting his plan is still going as planned. This is all part of the signal boosting certain voices in the lead up to the election. Why would anyone want to let this person have the microphone with his appalling track record? For free speech? Why is this point in time so important to let him get his messages out and not 10 months ago or in 10 months for that matter? It’s also a few months away from some more crypto stupidness so he can grift and dump his crap on the public again like last time. He’s just repeating what worked for him so can’t blame him for not being very creative
Yes it is. What happens on Twitter is literally real life.
On Saturday morning, Musk posted an unscientific poll to his account asking users of the platform if Jones should be reinstated. By Saturday evening when the poll closed, about 70% of nearly 2 million respondents had voted “yes.”
When Elton responded initially it had 450,000 votes at 92-8 or something… then it had 1.2 million this morning, and was running 72-28. Then supposedly another 400,000 people voted, and it was 70-30. Then ANOTHER 400,000 votes were recorded and the ratio didn’t budge at all, and it closed at 70-30. Seems suspicious to me. Of course Elron would just have it say whatever he wanted, there’s no doubt.
Remember how he stood down as ceo after the pole he conducted so now he doesn’t run twitter himself anymore.
Right, he immediately stepped down and turned his duties over to someone else! Vox populi, vox dei!
It’s because all that’s left on twitter are Nazi SIMP-athizers.
Those are just Nazis
What they said was funnier though. Gotta do something to keep ourselves sane
People I know who left Twitter are weirdly coming back, they feel bad about it but… We need to help these people
I just don’t get it. If Twitter was ever good, I still don’t think I could go back if I had to.
Some of the worst UI ever, the snarkiest, most narcissistic dweebs, lurking in every thread. Fuck Twitter. Fuck Twitter on every single day since it’s existed. I tried it. Zero good moments there. It’s fucking cancer that should be nuked from orbit.
Outrage addiction is a real thing… and it is a driving force in both news media and social media.
And I say that fully aware of the doom-scrolling nature of this platform, amongst others…
Well yeah but for a variety of reasons, Twitter was shit. Worse than anywhere else.
The design choice to strictly limit character length alone made it trash.
The original posts were limited to SMS length because that was an interesting way to post.
For awhile cellular data connections were expensive and very limited - so it freed people from thinking about the quality of their opinions vs the precious time and megabytes it might take to post it.
You could just fire off a text from the toilet instead of having to think too deeply.Yes, I know. That approach has pluses and minuses. More so the latter imo
It was good. Sorry you only ever browsed the political part of Twitter and not comedians and friends!
I followed a variety of people I knew and didn’t.
Twitter was political AF at its core. Apparently you forgot it was key to several political movements. This was the the best part about it. The bad parts were that the sea of shit takes on everything was endless and then once brand names started marketing with it it became fully trash. Then 2016 happened and it became way worse due to right wing fuck faces. Fuck Twitter. The only thing good about it was that it happened to exist at the right time politically. Do you really find that part of it to be the only thing wrong with i?
Back in the day I logged onto Twitter and read one-liners and other jokes. No politics, no celebrities. It was great.
Part of it is FOMO, but unfortunately, a lot of news is still broken on Twitter and it is still sometimes useful (I don’t use it myself, but others do) as a real-time source of news as it unfolds. There are also a lot of governments that use Twitter to post announcements.
Like I said, I don’t use it myself, but I think all of those things contribute.
That’s the “gay frogs” guy right?
Yes, but more importantly it’s the “Sandy Hook didn’t happen” guy
Ah, so him being a piece of shit who was the only one not to be allowed back was a lie. Surprising.