Or any Walmart you’d walk into in America.
Bro, maybe the Wally world clientele is different in your neck of the woods but seeing someone with makeup on, or their hair did (leaving aside the question of quality for the time being…) is the exception to the rule.
Yeah, Walmart is a before-shower, still-in-PJs affair
Is bottom right wearing a prosthetic mouth piece?
God, I hope so.
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Germans on the flight from Cologne to Palma, too.
They’re on their way to participate in the only Balconing League of the world. They’re winning by large.
That Jeremy Kyle drip
I mean, I feel absolutely horrible after hearing some of the stories from the aftermath of that show, but fucking hell they knew how to get that look…
Am American. Can someone explain the meaning of the departure and destination cities?
Contains overdramatization and slight exaggerations
Cheapest flights possible to the cheapest “vacation” island possible. Vacation as in
- drinking until you can’t even pronounce “hi”
- habitual disturbance of locals and other guests
- being fleeced by club owners and everyone else because you have “tourist” stamped on your forehead
- sleeping off the night by the pool and pre-game from midday to evening
- only eating (and drinking) the same stuff as at home, because fuck other cultures who don’t know how to make a kebab/Schnitzel/…
- coming back after 10 days of daze, hangovers and (optional) all-inclusive buffets
Did I forget something?
One is a colossal shit hole. The other is a colossal shit hole in the sun.
Average Friday night in Benidorm
I don’t get it, but I do agree that these are some creepy-ass puppets.