Just curious if google is logging my keystrokes for ads and what not. Should I use something like Heliboard?
Heliboard is really competent. Highly rec
Was using AnySoftKeyboard until this comment. Thank you
It’s a perfect replacement. I use it for months now. I won’t look back at gboard. There’s an option for everything. Even multiple languages work if you set it up correctly.
If they don’t say definitively that they’re not, then they’ve at least left the option open to do so when the profit motive demands it.
Assume yes.
I use gboard but don’t let it phone home. It will “learn” new words for a few hours but then it forgets them, so I figure I’m pretty safe. It’s suggestions are really basic and inane, I don’t think it’s getting any help from Google as far as prediction.
The application could contain tracker(s) we do not know yet.
I use Florisboard. Noce keyboard!
We know for certain that Gboard accesses the internet at least so it’s not out of the question. I’ve settled on Openboard, and my only problem with it is that the UK English keyboard suggests American spellings, but I’ve read that that’s a problem with all open source keyboards because of the .dict file, so I’m currently settling on the latter side of the dilemma between sacrificing privacy for Gboard and putting up with being recommended American spellings.
I like FUTO, solid keyboard fully offline with swipe support
You can first remove the internet access but if your running android it maybe goes trough the restriction and directly to the internet. So juste don’t use Gboard, use HeliBoard great open board fork with some improvements