He didn’t have to edit in defined abs, but he went above and beyond the call.
New hair too
He specifically asked for that
I mean, he literally had to edit in some torso, so I don’t think he went above and beyond when it wasn’t extra work…
I will never get tired of comedy responses to photoshop requests. It’s just a timeless classic.
Well that’s good, because I’m probably going to keep posting these to lemmy when I find them.
This is the way
This is the way.
I’d happily subscribe
Her jawline is unbelievable. She’s like a more beautiful thwomp from mario
thanks I can’t unsee it bow
Pretty sure that’s a mask. I saw one with just that face at the 99 cent store.
That girl is getting that guy a gym membership and a new stylist.
I have no doubt that if I showed this to.my wife she’d be like…
I mean, this looks like a slam dunk win to me. Guy looks way hotter in a crop top.
whats wrong with a tucked in shirt ?
Thats what old people do!
it looks smart tho :-(
Perhaps the young bro wants to play the fool
cant fault a man for that
I mean, yeah, he needs to get that new hairstyle ASAP.
i shouldn’t be surprised that so many people on lemmy haven’t seen women IRL but Jesus Christ… touch grass, people.
I like the camera man cameo in the reflection
What happened to her face, omg…
Genuinely, eat shit you bullying weird asshole and go back to reddit.
Imagine downvoting you for being against of body shaming. Lemmy isn’t as wholesome as it likes to pretend to be.
Lol, lookin’ like a Minecraft character.
I don’t want to be too mean to the chick or come off as racist(she is white right?) but I think she has literal slant eyes like maybe at a ten degree angle
If you have to start a sentence with “I don’t want to be racist but…” That’s probably a thought you should keep to yourself if you don’t want people to think you’re racist
I can’t say I care that much I just was hoping to point to it as a something wrong with her face, so abliest over racist I guess but that doesn’t sound good iether
What about that picture indicates she’s disabled? Why say something that is solely to point out some random persons perceived flaws? How did you think anything you’ve written in these comments was pertinent/contributed to anything? The fact that you thought you were being either racist or ableist with your comments and decided to post them anyway is mind boggling
Look I don’t think a was being racist I was just trying to cover my bases because I’ve been told I’m terrible at not just thinking everyone I see is white, you know unless it’s super obvious
I only really felt comfortable saying what I said because I was like 99 percent sure she wasn’t from some group where that would be a slur against her, the ableist thing was me assuming that look based stuff would be covered under that
Maybe the better thing to concentrate on is why you felt like that comment was necessary. You didn’t seem to have a goal behind it, other than drawing more attention. It’s really not relevant to the discussion or the post. So why post it? It felt like your intention was just to talk shit about a random person, and maybe you should think about that.
uh sure I just have never seen something like that before like I had to check both sides of the image to make sure her face wasn’t edited too
We get it: she’s not your type. She is out having fun with her boyfriend having a drink. Honestly, your language just seems like mean juvenile bullying shit.
She, or people she knows, may end up reading your bullying post.
Honestly, did you really hope to learn something from your comment or gain a perspective? No, of course it’s fucking bullying.
How does her ethnic background or facial characteristics (as shown in a single photo while she’s out with her boyfriend at a cocktail place) relate to the funny part of the tweet? Can’t it just be a funny tweet?
If you don’t want to be mean or racist, then shut up maybe? Why do you people always have to type out your mean shit and click send?
Because I thought coming across as racist or mean would be unlikely, maybe it would have looked better to not try and use that defence
Not to be an asshole, but you sir are an idiot
You don’t have to sound like my teachers
It’s her makeup and artifact correction making it look that way. It even gave her a bit of a squared jaw.
“a bit”!? I’m pretty sure she starred in The Tick…
Underrated show of the millennium
If Emily Deschanel and The Tick had a baby…
I snorted when I read this and my coffee got blown out my nose all over everything but also inhaled back via my nose and I was having a rough time. In short this nearly killed me
How would you rate your near death experience?
8/10, would doublesnort coffee again
Looks like a Real Doll
Wow. That sure is a comment.