The president often had a weak, raspy voice during his first debate against Trump, in what Democrats had hoped would be a turning point in the race.
The president often had a weak, raspy voice during his first debate against Trump, in what Democrats had hoped would be a turning point in the race.
Deciding in smoke filled rooms involves ignoring the charter entirely. Which the party argued in court that they could do. But they can’t now. Because centrist.
Russia didn’t force them to make that argument in court.
If you ever have a thought that isn’t a Clinton/Biden/Netanyahu talking point, let me know.
Bullshit. What was the exact quote made by DWS? You have no supporting quote made by anybody in the DNC for that argument in the document. We would need the full trial transcript to know whether DWS was seriously pretending she could ignore the charter. If you want to be taken seriously, show me an exact quote made by a DNC member in the trial transcript. If you had been able to do that I would say “good job on that” and fully agree that that particular individual should have never worked at the DNC BUT VAGUE CHARACTERIZATIONS ARE WORTHLESS.
According to the document there were exactly 3 arguments.
[The DNC and Wasserman Schultz argue that
Plaintiffs lack standing to assert their claims,
that they have insufficiently pled those claims,
and that the class allegations must be stricken as facially deficient.]
Even if that had been an actual argument supported by a quote from a DNC member, this is still 100% false. The charter doesn’t say the delegates have to meet in a no smoking building. It just says the delegates pick the candidate. They could meet in any building they wanted to vote on the candidate. Your assertion that the executive committee could legally ignore the general delegates is completely absurd.
Oh, now DWS still runs the DNC?
No. The party argued in court that if they wanted to, they could select their nominee in a smoke filled back room and ignore their charter.
But now they totally can’t because and only because Biden is supporting genocide for them and they don’t want him to stop.