And if people were buying massive trucks for their unmatched safety, that would be a point worth making. Unfortunately, there’s thousands of cars on the market that are safer than both those options (for both the occupants and the people around them) and some of them can fit just as much in the back.
There is no justification for these trucks. Not safety, not cost, not the environment, not accessibility and not the amount of stuff they can theoretically carry.
The only excuse is “I’m a massive cunt” and people are absolutely right to not accept it.
But we’re comparing getting a Kei truck instead of regular truck in this part of the conversation so it actually does make sense to discuss the safety question.
The conversation you want to have is elsewhere in this post.
No, I think OP is making a valid point. If you start with a Kei and just add in modern safety features and nothing else, the size of the vehicle will be a lot closer to the Kei than the other monstrosity.
I’m not saying the modern Kei must be safe. I’m saying if you do things to make it safer while prioritizing small size, you’ll end up with something a lot closer to the size of the Kei than the other car.
you’ll end up with something a lot closer to the size of the Kei than the other car.
They literally just provided that vehicle for you…… still not safe…… because it can’t be done at that size… instead of claiming something, provide an example to show it’s even possible mate.
Looks like it can hold about a third of the capacity of the truck and a 1/10 of the towing? Yeah they aren’t comparable when you account for what matters. It has a bed is about the lowest a factor when looking for a truck, capacity and towing is what people look for.
But of course people deflect from these and just spout it’s the same bed size like that matters?
I’m not saying at that size! I’m saying that whatever size increase you need to make a reasonably safe pickup would be closer to the small extreme (the Kei) than the large extreme.
Then you end up with the smaller trucks we already have on the market or a Maverick that has a bed so small that it’s not that useful for actual truck stuff…
Smart gets a 5 star crash rating and is smaller than a. Kei truck. It can be done. Get Smart to make a pickup, literally just stick a bed on the back of the thing.
it literally can be? You just don’t need to crash it into a freight train. The reason most large vehicles are so much safer is because you are significantly more likely to kill the other person in a car crash, especially if they’re in a smaller car, and if they’re not, then both you and the other party will experience significantly more impact forces compared to using a smaller car, which fun fact, makes surviving crashes a whole lot easier.
They drive them because they’re fun. Towering over Priuses and Corollas and all other sensibly sized cars makes people feel powerful. That doesnt make you a cunt imo, maybe more of an inconsiderate dickhead at worst
And it still achieves a zero rating with those “features” dude…. Its almost like it’s size is why it’s dangerous or something…… they added modern features, and its still not safe… huh… why’s that…?
If crash tests results were the main reasons for people to buy these shitty pavement princesses, Volvo would have buried the rest of the industry decades ago.
Go watch a crash test for a Kei truck
Edit: at 0:50
And if people were buying massive trucks for their unmatched safety, that would be a point worth making. Unfortunately, there’s thousands of cars on the market that are safer than both those options (for both the occupants and the people around them) and some of them can fit just as much in the back.
There is no justification for these trucks. Not safety, not cost, not the environment, not accessibility and not the amount of stuff they can theoretically carry.
The only excuse is “I’m a massive cunt” and people are absolutely right to not accept it.
But we’re comparing getting a Kei truck instead of regular truck in this part of the conversation so it actually does make sense to discuss the safety question.
The conversation you want to have is elsewhere in this post.
No, I think OP is making a valid point. If you start with a Kei and just add in modern safety features and nothing else, the size of the vehicle will be a lot closer to the Kei than the other monstrosity.
I had already shared a link about modern Kei trucks in another comment, they get a safety rating of zero even with modern safety features.
I’m not saying the modern Kei must be safe. I’m saying if you do things to make it safer while prioritizing small size, you’ll end up with something a lot closer to the size of the Kei than the other car.
They literally just provided that vehicle for you…… still not safe…… because it can’t be done at that size… instead of claiming something, provide an example to show it’s even possible mate.
I’m not the person you were talking to but I’m happy to spoon feed you an answer since it was so trivially easy to find: Behold, a normal sized car with a large carrying capacity and a good safety rating.
Looks like it can hold about a third of the capacity of the truck and a 1/10 of the towing? Yeah they aren’t comparable when you account for what matters. It has a bed is about the lowest a factor when looking for a truck, capacity and towing is what people look for.
But of course people deflect from these and just spout it’s the same bed size like that matters?
I’m not saying at that size! I’m saying that whatever size increase you need to make a reasonably safe pickup would be closer to the small extreme (the Kei) than the large extreme.
Then you end up with the smaller trucks we already have on the market or a Maverick that has a bed so small that it’s not that useful for actual truck stuff…
Smart gets a 5 star crash rating and is smaller than a. Kei truck. It can be done. Get Smart to make a pickup, literally just stick a bed on the back of the thing.
Thats literally not how it works… like at all….
But not surprised SOMEONE would suggest it eventually…
it literally can be? You just don’t need to crash it into a freight train. The reason most large vehicles are so much safer is because you are significantly more likely to kill the other person in a car crash, especially if they’re in a smaller car, and if they’re not, then both you and the other party will experience significantly more impact forces compared to using a smaller car, which fun fact, makes surviving crashes a whole lot easier.
They drive them because they’re fun. Towering over Priuses and Corollas and all other sensibly sized cars makes people feel powerful. That doesnt make you a cunt imo, maybe more of an inconsiderate dickhead at worst
Sounds like cunt behavior to me.
no it definitely makes you a cunt, brake checking and cutting off people makes you a dickhead
I mean modern kei trucks have airbags and safety features. They just have to buy 25 year or older to use the classic care rule.
Yeah… But no.
And it still achieves a zero rating with those “features” dude…. Its almost like it’s size is why it’s dangerous or something…… they added modern features, and its still not safe… huh… why’s that…?
GM just announced a 6 Billion dollar stock buyback this month.
If crash tests results were the main reasons for people to buy these shitty pavement princesses, Volvo would have buried the rest of the industry decades ago.
The truth is most cars are great these days even if some brands are ahead, but there’s no reason to want completely unsafe cars on the road.