I’m so fucking sick of seeing this person’s name 😤🙄
Use a filter.
Well, thanks actually, that helps a bit.
How does one set up such a filter?
Oh good, apartheid techbrobaby wants to create a Lithium Republic because Bananas aren’t what he cares about.
Shockingly accurate
Apartheid tech bro saying exactly what an Apartheid tech bro would say.
tech has nothing to do with him being a piece of shit, he’s not even a technical person it’s just the hat he like to wear. Are all the other car OEM CEOs tech bros too?
tech has nothing to do with him being a piece of shit,
We don’t call tech bros tech bros because they’re technical. We call them tech bros because they are pieces of shit.
TV Tropes has the best description of them.
A Tech Bro is someone connected with the technology and business industry; cultivating an image of intelligence mixed with money, counterculture attitude and social savvy. Whether they are actually hip, business literate, anti-authority or even intelligent in any form depends on the individual. Their goal is to charm investors into funding their project, so some degree of false presentation is necessary. Typically they are young men in their twenties and early thirties, insisting on casual clothing, shaggy hair and Perma-Stubble. Some of them are keen on partying and getting up to wacky hijinx, and are easily distracted during business meetings. Their speech is a blend of Technobabble and corporate buzzwords designed to attract investors, self-promoting at every opportunity. They see themselves as leaders, even visionaries, and they want you to know it.
And Apartheid tech bro up there is their god.
edit: I have to mention that I have no idea where anyone gets the idea that tech bros are in any way “countercultural” or “anti-authoritarian” - I’ve never seen a tech bro that’s anti-capitalist, which means they are as drenched in the politics of bootlicking as the rest. I guess the only difference is that they perceive themselves to be deserving of having their boots licked - despite the fact that they will happily lick the boots of Musk, Gates and the rest themselves.
Lets see a big industry leader influencing and directing state forces is called something . . It’s . . agh I was just thinking this the other day . . Oh well. It’s probably not relevant.
So Elon is backing the guy who chickened out while holding people hostage, sounds like someone he’d pick
The same county that just tried to have a coup?
Hey NSA/CIA/FBI you guys might want to check that one out…
The ultimate litmus test for knowing if a south American country is a democracy or not - does an English speaking lad want to overthrow its government? If that is the case, chances are high it is a democracy…
Downvoting anything this fucker related.
Is this the next Chiquita?
Chiquita never ended. It’s not the next. It’s yet another.
Only if Chiquita actually failed miserably.
it’s cool that he’s not president
Of all ways to describe the Bolivian government, this is the one that paints it as the best government ever.
I dont think free speech is free when you are the richest man in the world. If you dont like the weight on your shoulders give away your wealth.
Is there any evidence of American rat-fuckery in the Bolivian coup attempt?
If the US wants to say the whole western hemisphere is its business then the US better explain how its business includes that.
Is there any evidence of empire not being involved?
We won’t know until the tell all book is written in ten years.
You’re right, we won’t KNOW, it might be the single exception from the past two hundred years.
Oh boy I can’t wait for some good old American imperialism where we destabilize other countries for raw material
- this is a member only article so people are going to mention the (pay) wall
- this is about a tweet from 2020
- what does expressing overthrowing a country in 2020 have to do with c/technology?
this is about a
tweetcoup attempt from20202024.There was just another coup attempt recently. If you think that these coups are planned in a few weeks, that’s not how it works.
what does expressing overthrowing a country in 2020 have to do with c/technology?
Elon and pals want to coup Bolivia to steal their lithium for use in “technology”.
Do I really need to explain this stuff?
I couldn’t read any further, so thanks for more context. I would really love it if we’d share more open articles here so there is the full context to digest and discuss
The latest coup attempt really sounds like a publicity stunt.
No one died or got injured.
They took over the old presidential palace, rather than the new one the president was actually at.
The general leading it said Morales told him to do it.
Not saying it couldn’t be real, but if they definitely made a lot of the same choices they would have if they were faking it.
I advocate for investing him until there’s enough dirt dug up to put him in jail for next twenty years.
The rich only get in trouble for screwing over other rich.
tRump just got 34 felonies. You don’t get elon rich without breaking some laws.
After a lifetime of committing fraud and other crimes. He should have been prosecuted at least as far back as the 80’s.