A spokesperson of the Hindu community is seeking to have ancient Sanskrit scriptures displayed in public classrooms alongside the Ten Commandments.
On Wednesday, Gov. Jeff Landry signed a law that requires each public classroom, starting from kindergarten to state-funded universities, in Louisiana to display the Ten Commandments.
The President of the Universal Society of Hinduism Rajan Zed said in a statement that the Bhagavad Gita, or the Gita, was a historically significant document and he believes is a treasure that should be displayed in public school classrooms.
This is how you get Christians to lobby for no religion in schools.
Now if there’s an imam to step forward, we could really accelerate this process.
This is very specifically how Oklahoma’s AG sold their case against the religious charter school.
They are so close to getting it…
The satanic temple usually does stuff like this.
Wait until the Satanic Temple joins the action…
Somehow I think Islam is the bigger problem. I think they don’t take the Satanic Temple as seriously. 😂
Yeah most of them know their balls are being busted by “Satanists”
Oh no they don’t. They believe in the literal devil and you can be sure they haven’t done five minutes of research.
Probably the same group that flipped a shit when they started doing yoga in schools because they were “trying to indoctrinate kids into hinduism/buddhism”
That’s only if they feel like they have to care about being “fair”. Or attempting to have ethics or agree on having a social contract.
They no longer care.
It is already well-known that requiring the Ten Commandments in the classroom is unconstitutional. They don’t think it matters or welcome the fight on it.
No, this how you get the maggots to have religion more "defined and “classified.”
Remember the church of Satan tried this in Florida and desantis just plainly said “No nuh uh. Not yours. You’re not an actual religion. You don’t count.”
They’ll do the same fucking thing in LA
Hinduism is not an actual religion? They would have a harder time getting anyone to agree with a straight face
I do hope this is a form of protest, simply because he’s going to run into all sorts of racism and bigotry that we should have long since outgrown. If he makes those politicians understand their inconsistency, that’s a win.
On the other hand, he’s right about the historical importance of such a major religion and we would all do well to learn more about that. If religion belongs anywhere in public schooling, it would be as a survey or comparative religion course, maybe influence on history. …… it’s tough to learn a survey of major religions or compare major relig in a if you limit yourself to one sect of one religion