I don’t mean that the joke just isn’t funny, I want to know a joke that almost makes you want to fast-forward through the scene.
I don’t mean that the joke just isn’t funny, I want to know a joke that almost makes you want to fast-forward through the scene.
Pretty much every segment of Jerry’s stand up routine in Seinfeld. I have no idea how that man became a famous comedian.
Because that shit was actually funny 35 to 40 years ago. It just didn’t age well.
Tastes change.
His stand-up was bad back then too
40 years ago in the UK it was shown at 8am as a filler program when nobody was watching, because it was so painfully contrived
No I watched it back then as a kid and though maybe you need to be 35 to like this.
Recently age 35 not my thing still.
I don’t find Jerry funny, like at all. I like Costanza but I adore Kramer
Yeah Jerry was such a whiney twat.
Still is
In a show about horrible people he literally just played himself.
Jerry was a straight guy in the show, is funny because he is not funny. He’s just a normal guy with a few good observations
He’s there to anchor the show
Like Larry David is way funnier
Idk if you’ve seen the last seasons of curb but like, it does not really age well either
How so?
Idk, he just comes off as mean and a boomer
All tv shows named after the main character are better without that character (spin-offs excluded obvs).
Dawsons creek
Exception that proves the rule
Another exception: Archer
Buffy the vampire slayer
I don’t think Frasier would work without Frasier
Was it supposed to be funny? I thought the joke was that he was a terrible hackneyed comedian.
Product placements in it are terrible too
“Drake’s coffee cakes …”
The show has brought a lot of cringey memories to my life 🤢