Attack and damage negation curve scaling of the Shadow Realm Blessings have been revised.
- The attack and damage negation has been increased for the first half of the maximum amount of Blessing enhancements, and the second half will now be more gradual.
- The attack and damage negation granted by the final level of Blessing enhancements has been slightly increased.
- Other balance adjustments as well as bug fixes are also planned for a future patch.
Lol. If you really want a challenge, play without blessings.
Me when the optional system is optional
Just entering the DLC at level 1 is a fun challenge. But, like… If you can kill Radahn and Mogh at level 1 it probably isn’t actually a challenge. 🤷🏻♂️
I likely will run my RL1 guy through it at some point. Man I really hit a nerve with the participation trophies for everyone crowd here, didn’t I?
I’m extrapolating so I might be wrong, but what I get from this is that they boosted the benefits of the first scadu fragments but nerfed the benefits of the later ones, which is just changing the scaling but ultimately results in the same difficulty
I mean I see his point in that you don’t have to take the blessings. Granted I have not had an issue so far but I have just gotten to the end of the castel that lost its p and teleported out to do some minor dungeons so im basically the type that gathers up all the buffs and such I can before hitting a particular thing. That mausaleem guy is still kicking my ass but I only tried 3 or 4 times but heck I can come back to him when I have completed if I want.
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If you would like tips I beat him with parries. Basically all his attacks other than his special wind slash and follow up can be parried. I Basically never used parry before and found he was a good enemy to practice until I was consistent.
If he wips out the crossbow stay at range and run to a side when he fires. Don’t need to roll and don’t want to close the distance until he is done.
I have seen other people use big wepons to pancake or stunlock him too.
oh I suck at things like parry. I will get him. That stun lock has me thinking though.
I absolutely suck at it too. Was a good time to practice
there are several areas where my poor shield performance has made things tough.
Just got him night comet and power stancing staff of loss. I was close with it before but I was at level 3 on the buffs but I went back with 7 and got through. So I sorta overleveled to beat him.
I don’t, they are right, I can create my own challenge. It’s not really what I’m annoyed about either, its the whole design by a committee of vocal internet people which results in the same bland shit over and over. Part of what made these games cool is the things that are unique, and often times the most memorable moments are also the most difficult. Seeing From pivot because a bunch of people whined about it is just disappointing really. There was a time where the tag line for Dark Souls was “Prepare to Die”, but come down the line to Elden Ring and you can really feel how they’ve softened that edge up. The DLC feels like they sharpened the blade for its final outing, and people want it dulled immediately. To me that’s boring. Embrace the challenge and what you will remember and be satisfied by is overcoming it.
Not to start a war about hardest boss and haven’t beaten DLC yet but Elden Ring has what alot of people would say is the hardest boss in the franchise. Like Elden Ring did open things up to more people with the open world making it easier to go around or bypass walls, but it isn’t easier.
Like there isn’t a single boss in DS1 or 2 that comes anywhere close to fighting Melania. IMO Bloodborne and DS3 have contenders but if you are 100%ing the game Elden Ring is just as hard as any other souls game. Although the horse and teleporting does make some of the zones easier to explore, there are still difficult dungeons.
I think alot of people remember DS1 being much harder because we were also learning the system, how it plays, how to win.
Yeah that’s a potentially endless discussion right there. I actually think Sekiro was the hardest, even if it’s technically not a souls game. Part of what makes Elden Ring so easy is the number of tools and abilities to use, the summoning ashes, OP spells, and nearly always being able to summon two helper players for tough fights. Melania is so much like fighting Isshin, I think he’s way harder than her, and especially because you have to nail the timing with him. There’s no respeccing, using cheesy spells, or summoning help with that guy. Don’t get me wrong, Elden Ring is a great game, but most of the difficulty is easily overcome by just trying out the other stuff you can use.
Don’t use the tools then. On my mage I specifically don’t use Comet or Mimic Tear because I think they are too strong. From software didn’t remove any tools from the game that let’s you make it challenging.
All the other games had OP shit too. DS1 had BKH and Chaos zweihander. So easy to get super strong wepons. DS2 had some crazy dark magic BS. DS3 also had crazy dark magic BS with greater soul dredge. I killed nameless king with like 5 casts in NG+.
They didn’t sacrifice anything in Elden Ring, they made a great series more available to everyone.
They increased players’ attack and defence a little, probably by 10% or something. They didn’t remove any bosses or even bosses’ attacks, they didn’t replace standard dodge with Bloodhound step or do anything drastic. I don’t understand what you are so mad about
That’s a neat fun fact, but I didn’t buy Dark Souls, known for its difficulty, I bought Elden Ring, notable for its beautiful open world and complex meandering story.
Beating Malenia’s ducky dance or chasing the Elden Beast around the arena for half an hour is not as interesting as all the questions created by the multiple stories and characters in the world. Or how Marika has betrayed or been betrayed. How Godfrey was cast aside only to be recalled when The Order needed protecting. Or how Godwyn pollutes the world above his carcass.
No part of the story will be diminished if the player is given a slight edge in combat. The combat often isn’t even that fuckin good, it’s just pattern memorization.
Some of you try hards are just, ugh, go back and sit down on your shit bucket. The rest of us are trying to have fun with our video games.
Yeah I get it. To be honest hearing about how hard it was I started playing perfectly expecting to stop as it became insurmountable but its surprisingly surmountable if you accept that dieing is just part of it. In some ways it reminds me of shadowbane which was a pvp nightmare and I totally thought I would stop playing but once I just viewed the gankers and such as just hard npc monsters I found enjoyment in it. I have not thought about that came in awhile but playing it was a lot like elden ring. run run run run.