And the groping. Don’t forget the groping. This woman, who is bleating about “groomers” was having herself a bit of a time in public there.
The “getting high and felt up while cranking some dude’s hog in a crowded theatre full of children” scandal.
Corporate News: ahhhh let’s just say ‘vaping’. More people will vote for her that way.
Gotta keep that bullshit horse race/bothsiderist stuff going.
What vaping scandal?
It was what she got thrown out of the theater for. She was vaping at the same theater where the groping happened.
Vaping with one hand, giving a squeezer with the other?
Yeah, but it was a biblical squeezer because Beetlebert is a godly woman.
Only way to live
She was jerking her husband off in the middle of a theater. It wasn’t a vaping scandal.
It wasn’t her husband. It was some Democrat she was on a date with - her divorce was finalized some time later.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) oh how the turntable turns