Don’t want to bodyshame, but man, that is an ugly gun.
It’s the plastic lower, isn’t it?
It’s going to be gaymores next.
You mean the cousin of Seymour Asses? The asexual dog Gaymore Asses?
I don’t want to offend anyone, but this sword is STRAIGHT
that’s why I only use sabres and katanas ;-)
You slay, babe
Katanas = queer swords
well, they’re not straight, and they go nicely with my fedora…
What about Nodachi? Sephiroth used a Nodachi. If it’s good enough for Sephiroth, or Cloud, it’s good enough for me.
I seriously want Cloud’s Sword Bike from Advent Children.
My real goal is to be so not straight that the only sword suitable for me is a kopesh.
Not when I’m done with it
I would call it turgid
Swords clash with other swords. Swords were always gay.
But swords are also sheathed ! or… is that an allegory for closeted ?
I’m guessing you don’t have your foreskin?
I do ! there, there. Don’t listen to the man. Nobody’s taking you away from me
Tactical transition? Is that for when you want your deadname to stay dead?
Possibly? Or maybe people will think twice about deadnaming you.
A while back, someone suggested that only women should be allowed to own handguns, and that the guns should all be painted baby pink.
MKULTRA: Hold my mimosa.
Wow, this actually exists? I thought it was a joke from this:
That’s nothin’! You wanna see some weird bombs? Watch this!
Ooof. I hope that’s a stain and not heat discoloration, otherwise that’s not a sword, but a sword-shaped wall decoration.
Hard to say, I’ve never seen a heat affected zone look like that. I also haven’t foraged a sword.
I didn’t know you can forage for swords.
If you look in the right place, at the right season, there’s all kind of swords to be foraged. Delicious with garlic and parsley
Especially abundant near lakes in Britain
Yep, my buddy Art foraged such a nice sword. Everybody calls him a king now. He even made a council like in the LoTR.
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!
Just moistened binks lobbing scimitars everywhere out there.
How dare you make me remember the submarine scene in Episode 1
What if mine was given to me by a watery tart?
It’s really easy actually, the difficult part is cooking them.
Poking the same sex since 3300BC
slayyy ⚔️💑
Don’t tell him about stainless tig welding
If this was the Singing Sword from Knighty Knight Bugs, I’ll bet it would sing What’s Going On for 10 hours straight.
This one gets around quite a lot.
“## QuickBooks Solopreneur - $1 per month”
That’s not He-Man singing the iconic 4 Non-Blondes song “What’s Up” (nor is it the equally iconic Marvin Gaye song that IS called What’s Going On!)
Didn’t say it was He Man singing, but yes, I got the song title wrong.
And the link. I highly doubt that the sword is interested in QuickBooks…
Quickbooks? Heh?
The YouTube link leads to a video about QuickBooks, not the song.
So weird… I’m apparently not functioning on all cylinders today. Thanks for the heads up!
No worries 🙂
I didn’t know they added swords to CS2
I cast Scholar’s Armanent