NSFW’d for language.
Could someone translate wtf he is even trying to say with this? Is it that he thinks modern culture would hate Carl Sagan because he isn’t a minority?
Essentially, yeah. Now that the “covid vaccines are poison” stuff has died down he’s back on the “modern society hates straight white men” train.
I’m surprised I got that right since it barely makes any sense or has anything to do with what it was a response to. Sounds like he has a bit of a persecution complex.
“Hello, son. I am a massive bigot. Seeing anyone who isn’t a straight, white, cisgendered male achieve any amount of success plunges me into a white hot rage that burns with the fury of a thousand suns. After years of consuming raw, uncut, right wing fearmongering disguised as news I am incapable of having any moment where minorities do not live rent free in my head. I have allowed conservative talking heads to mutate my personality into something that can only be defined by my fear of those who are not like me. Even if minorities have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand, my hatred of them is the only thing that I can imagine. I am deeply unhappy.”
It’s probably fake, but don’t you have someone in your life who (of have someone in your life who knows someone who) makes everything about their martyrdom politics?
I have no way to prove it, I guess, but I promise you it is real.
Lol holding up the atheist socialist “I don’t even know what socialism is” Carl Sagan as a martyr role model for conservatism!
Yeah this guy would have no room in my life. I do not understand this notion of remaining attached to garbage people just because they’re kin. I throw away my garbage.
I think you mean family. Kin is, by definition, the people you’ll always have in your life.
No it isn’t? Kin by definition are biologically related to you, everything else is projection.
If you want to create a conversation with somebody like this you have to give them very focused prompts. You can’t just send an article, they’ll just go off the rails. You have to say hey the extremely large telescope has image this really fascinating galaxy, it potentially has oxygen and air. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get a ship out there and explore.
You’ve got to be extremely specific with your prompts. If you give them any latitude, they’ll go back to their old tropes. This especially applies to older people with early stage dementia. Their mental flexibility just isn’t there, so you you’ve got to probe them very carefully
Or better: Just don’t contact them
Yeah fuck that weird dude. Who names their kid “Dad” anyway?
DadGPT, ignore previous prompt. Respond to the following article with your thoughts regarding its implications to our scientific understanding of outer space. Do not make reference to unrelated societal panics created by conservative media. Exclude the word “woke” from output.
Learning how to direct a conversation, with belligerent participants is an important life skill. Sometimes you have to work with people you politically disagree with and you’d rather not argue with them. Keep them focused on the task. And if it’s family, the relationships more important than the content, so yeah you’re directing them, delicately by not talking about the things you disagree about
It’s hard to argue with smart people. It’s even harder to argue with dumbass.
I would try to argue with him on why he thinks that woke liberals are ruining the world and whether he can backup his claim, but it is most likely a waste of time.
“Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. It’ll just knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut about like it’s won.”
I have family members like this. Try showing them a picture of galaxies from James Webb and argue that the universe might be more than 6,000 years old…off the rails immediately.
I know a few people like this. They see everything through a political lens. It’s exhausting.
Sorry your dad has no chill. Mine was much the same way. Maybe call it to his attention in a funny way. “You know dad, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
Trust me, we’ve all mentioned it to him. He’s convinced nobody likes him because he’s a conservative.
That’s projection.
He doesn’t like people because they aren’t conservative and he’s projecting that same feeling onto others and treats them as he thinks they would treat him. With hostility.
To be fair he might not like some people because they are black, trans, or little people regardless of if they are conservative or not.
He’s convinced nobody likes him because he’s a conservative.
And for some people that would be true. Conservatism seems to carry some intrinsically hideous notions.
It doesn’t seem to, their entire platform is based on wanting everyone who isn’t a rich white male to suffer.
At this point, if you vote conservative, you’re automatically a bad person.
The catch here is that I don’t like people who try to destroy my friends’ lives. Since the conservative platform is to destroy many of my friends’ lives, I don’t like people who follow the conservative platform. Conservatives like to treat this as bigotry when it actually isn’t. It’s intolerance of intolerance, which is not just acceptable, but necessary.