So, I keep meaning to look into this but I come from the wrong background to have an intuitive grasp of the pieces at play here. My work is primarily in back end systems development for data driven models and I have very little understanding of how networking elements interact or even what they are, for the most part. If someone with that background is reading these comments and willing to take the time, would you be able to provide an explanation for the differences between Manifest V2/V3 and how V3 prevents ad blockers from working?
With manifest v2, extensions could block the content however they wanted, reading and modifying DOM as they see fit.
Google claims that it is a security risk, so with manifest v3, extensions can only create and give the browser rules and the browser itself will block content based on them. The rules have a limit in size and capabilities.
If that was still not clear, try thinking of unrestricted SQL access vs a UI for modifying a database.
Welcome to Firefox
Or…any other Chromium browser?
The transition was a little weird for the first week, now I just use Chrome when I have to login with Google for some stupid shit. Otherwise it sits in my app drawer, because I’m definitely never logging in to a Google service while using Firefox.
YouTube is better, browsing is better, ad block works, it’s just overall a superior browser.
I’m definitely never logging in to a Google service while using Firefox.
Could you elaborate on this? Why not use Firefox for logging into Gmail, Youtube, etc
Why not log into a Google service while using Firefox?
Basically just don’t want to give them the ability to track my every click.
time to treat that firefox allergy of yall if ya want to keep adblocking.
I use Firefox as my daily browser, but I tried the manifest v3 based uBlock experiment in Chrome and honestly I couldn’t tell the difference between it and the regular uBlock.
I welcome people switching over, but I don’t think this is anywhere near the killing blow to adblocking people think it is.
it is. it wont be updated as often, and ads will slip in between them. it also won’t be able to block as many trackers because the api is more limited.
Who uses chrome by choice?
A lot of people use it because it’s been the default for so long, but I’m slowly getting friends and family to swap.
OK, so ambivalence. I’m lazy, I can get behind that. Also, I appreciate the work you’re doing. I gave up years ago and am still labeled by my family as “the one who cares too much about things that don’t matter.”
Had a family member that felt the same way until someone started stalking her.
I usually tie it into a discussion about password managers and show them Bitwarden too. Like with my in-laws I did a dark web scan and showed them their own passwords were basically public knowledge. Could they use it with Chrome? Sure. But they want to know they’re secure and they trust me, so I get them on Firefox with a password manager.