Now is a good time to flood Wikipedia with donations. For the first time in my life, i have just donated to them and will do so again. You can do it too for a minimum of €2, no requirement for recurring donations or any nonsense.
All of the wrong people have money.
Or money turns them into all of the wrong people.
Bullshit. They were born this way mainly because they were born rich.
Why? They’re either born with the money or make the money, but either way the money has turned them into terrible people.
I’d argue that you have to be horrible already to have loads of money. Any reasonably good person would be using their excess wealth for a good cause rather than building ego rockets.
I’d be willing to take part in an experiment to confirm this hypothesis. I’ll wait for delivery, each day until 3.
It’s the effects of capitalism. It’s pathocracy.
wikipedia foundation’s financials are solid, stable, and healthy.
how’s twitter doing lately, elon?
Downvote Musk spam.
The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle. Don’t be a useful idiot.
Sorry i wasn’t in the loop when we decided to stop talking about the town clown. I guess I’ll stop being an idiot now. Thanks for the advice.
We already have Dickopedia elon, it’s called twitter and YOU paid $44 billion for it.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haIndicator 9,876,872,820,111 that that fucker has more money than anyone should ever have.
There’s not one single person in the world who should own a thousand million dollars, never mind hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars.
The pure existence of billionaires is unethical and immoral - doesn’t matter whether they’re being stupid and fascist in public, or quietly pulling strings and bending society to their will in the background.
why do we allow this to happen?
Who is “we”?
What have you done to prevent it?
Wikipedia should counter by offering Elon $4 to go towards paying off his massive hole from buying Twitter. 😂
He doesn’t need to pay. Twitter is already worth less than the debt, if he continues to break that company apart there’ll he no reason to even consider paying the debt off.
The debt is a tax writeoff. The entire company is a tax writeoff for him and his clique.
This will allow them to gain billions more without spending a cent in taxes.
That’s not how debt works, he almost certainly pledged assets and a personal guarantee against it. This is known as collateral.
The banks take the collateral when you stop paying.
The way I understood it is that he didn’t get a loan to buy the company, but had a bank itself buy Twitter as a loan, so Twitter itself is the collateral. That’s what I did when I bought my apartment: a bank bought it from the constructor and let me live in it while slowly buying it from them over hundreds of installments. If I stopped paying the bank would kick me out and sell the apartment to someone else.
That isn’t quite right. If you stopped paying the bank would kick you out and sell the apartment to someone else, but if they get less than you owe them for it, they will also send you a bill for the remainder.
And then sue you to get that money.
Interestingly, if they get more than you owe them for it, they will cut you a check for the difference.
But you are actually wrong about how and what the order of operations is.
You are buying the house, the lender (bank) writes the check directly to the seller, and you sign a mortgage agreement for that much with the bank and they put a lien on your house. The bank does not own the house, you do. The bank owns a promissory note from you, backed by your personal wealth and credit and the value of the house (that they have a lien on).
In the case of Twitter, yes, Twitter itself is part of the collateral, but so was Elon musks personal wealth and Tesla shares.
He’s trying to distract from the probe into Tesla’s range. It’s working.
Wait, what?
There’s a federal probe into Tesla lying about their vehicle range. He’s throwing a fit and closing that it could cause great harm to the brand.
I’d actually take that in their shoes. That’s a lot of money, who cares if the English edition gets a silly name.
Take Money.
Re-Name to Dickipedia.
Re-Name back to Wikipedia.
Laugh about Musk.
bold of you to assume elon would pay up
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Ah rivermonster an
insane andnotupstanding citizen of today’s modern societytotally not a danger to othersRemoved by mod
Are they really tho it just seems to me like you just really don’t like anyone with a differing opinion after a quick glance through your comments I could be wrong dare I say but after looking through your comments it looks like you think anyone remotely right wing is a big nazis facist boogeyman sure there are some people out there with those beliefs but there generally quite small in numbers
Stfu, nazi
Define nazi for me tell me what does the word nazi mean and do this without searching it up I also want you to read my comment again as nothing I’ve said makes me a nazi tankie or any other political extremist
I am so, so tired of this tedious man child.