Corbyn is yet another proof of the hopelessness of Western electoral politics. Just merely viewing Arabs as human gets you disqualified and destroys your political career, when he was a major reason for the party’s success to begin with.
It’s not like that, it’s the other way around. The main goal is to destroy corbyn (or any real leftist). None of them care for Palestinians even in a way to think of them, let alone dwell on their humanity. They are a tool if needed.
It’s as if one major atrocity against a whole religious group gives the world free rein to ignore their actions. Just because a group is targeted for genocide does not mean they themself cannot do anything morally wrong.
I agree, Israel has committed far too much horror to be ignored, but at the same time I wouldn’t consider them to be representing any “religious group”. They only represent themselves and their supporters, some of which are diverse in religious background.
Israel clothes itself in the garments of the Jewish people and uses them to defend it’s actions. It claims that any action against it is an action against the Jewish people.
Now I know that there are Jewish people around the world saying “not in my name”, but it’s also why so many supporters of Israel exist. You can’t divorce the religious aspect from this war. If it wasn’t there this wouldn’t be allowed to happen.
Israel clothes itself in the garments of the Jewish people and uses them to defend it’s actions. It claims that any action against it is an action against the Jewish people.
It is fascist Ashkenazi who have even destroyed the culture of Mithrathi and Sephardic Jews so that only their monoculture that mimics western white supremacy continues.
It’s why they “rescued” Yemeni Jews then stole their children while forcing the adults to work on farms.
It’s not the actions of that religious group as a whole but an extremist section within them, that mostly are non-practicing but have absolutely no compunction about using the martyrdom of those who died in the camps to further their fascist cause.
Corbyn is yet another proof of the hopelessness of Western electoral politics. Just merely viewing Arabs as human gets you disqualified and destroys your political career, when he was a major reason for the party’s success to begin with.
It’s not like that, it’s the other way around. The main goal is to destroy corbyn (or any real leftist). None of them care for Palestinians even in a way to think of them, let alone dwell on their humanity. They are a tool if needed.
It’s as if one major atrocity against a whole religious group gives the world free rein to ignore their actions. Just because a group is targeted for genocide does not mean they themself cannot do anything morally wrong.
I agree, Israel has committed far too much horror to be ignored, but at the same time I wouldn’t consider them to be representing any “religious group”. They only represent themselves and their supporters, some of which are diverse in religious background.
Israel clothes itself in the garments of the Jewish people and uses them to defend it’s actions. It claims that any action against it is an action against the Jewish people.
Now I know that there are Jewish people around the world saying “not in my name”, but it’s also why so many supporters of Israel exist. You can’t divorce the religious aspect from this war. If it wasn’t there this wouldn’t be allowed to happen.
It is fascist Ashkenazi who have even destroyed the culture of Mithrathi and Sephardic Jews so that only their monoculture that mimics western white supremacy continues.
It’s why they “rescued” Yemeni Jews then stole their children while forcing the adults to work on farms.
It’s not the actions of that religious group as a whole but an extremist section within them, that mostly are non-practicing but have absolutely no compunction about using the martyrdom of those who died in the camps to further their fascist cause.
Just to be clear. Practising was not a consideration to the NAZI ideals. And is in no way relevant to any of these events.