I don’t want this much ornamental grass, what do I do? Let nature take over a patch of it? Hire a landscape designer for a minimum of 10k? Please send help.

More info: I’ve stopped using -icides and I have a robot mower at 3.5”.

I have let a patch grow wild and added a couple apple trees and wildflowers. The city code enforcers want to mow it and fine me, but I don’t plan on letting them.

I’m kinda against fences because they feel pretty anti-social and I’m already only allowed to see people if I use a car. Then again, fences seem like the only way to combat these crazy deer.

I don’t want to design it myself because I want to believe that professional landscape designers do more than just plop stuff around on a whim.

  • NoneYa@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    Goats will eat everything and still look for more to eat.

    Neighbors on both sides of us had goats when I was younger and their backyards were always dry, dirt deserts with only one particular flower they’d never touch because it was poison. Even trees weren’t spared as far as the goat could stand on its hind legs or could pull down.