They topped all my sunflowers, about 30 bean seedlings, mowed down one of my full-grown bush beans, and over-pruned one of my watermelon vines in a single night. I saw some spots where they nibbled at my potatoes as well. These suburban deer are a menace. With as many dogs as we have running around here, you’d think they’d stay away, but no, they don’t care

I’m gonna have to build a fence next season

  • ThrowawaySobriquet@lemmy.worldOP
    9 months ago

    Well, I might have spoken too soon. I neen on vacation this week and just saw the second most haggard groundhog I’ve ever seen strolling through my beds without a care in the world. I bet you anything that’s my critter

    Hell yeah! That’s been a long time coming. I bet it’s gonna feel fuckin fantastic, but also don’t think you gotta rush yourself. That’ll get your hurt going for sure

    The sunflowers are the top right. Top left was one half of my black beans. Some kind of pole bean that was given to me