I’m 90% sure vikings would have been more than a little excited by the idea.
Close to 100% viking here, you’re welcome! I might enslave you though, but without prejudice.
I feel like you don’t know what a viking is.
How can I not? I am one!
BTW viking society seemingly didnt only kill and plunder ;-)
Vikings were a very particular group of Scandinavians who, during parts of the year, went on their longboats and raided villages and stole stuff to bring home. For most of the year, they were farmers and fishermen. Having Scandinavian ancestry does not make you a viking, they literally don’t exist anymore.
I’m 100% Nordic by the way
Pretty sure Loki was the mother of Odin’s horse.
And you are correct!
He also got Thor to dress as Freya to pretend to marry a giant king
I’m sure a whole lot of people where fine with it until the christofasciast colonisers and occupiers had their way
Loki turned into a mare to get properly fucked by a stallion, get pregnant and deliver an 8 legged super horse (Sleipnir) that Odin proudly rode around… yeah, they are very fine with gender fluidity
Who cares what a bunch of savage pillagers would have wanted?
What I’m sure of is that the forefathers of modern civilization, the Romans, would have fucking loved trans folks.
I mean, the Romans were just industrialized pillagers. Who cares what they would have thought.
Yeah! What have the romans ever done for us?!
They gave us roads.
Well yeah, obviously the roads. The roads go without saying, don’t they?
The vikings only cares if you behave Viking. Ethnicity don’t matter. Sexuality don’t matter. And I can’t fathom that they’d care for how you dress. As long as you have Viking values you are top notch
Ooo - a true master on Viking history here!! Tell us all about how it really was and what values they had. What ethnicities they accepted and how they viewed homosexuality?
how about if I prove my points and you prove they’re lies
Right - then I’ll just block you
Yeah this thread is full of idiots who care more about Marvel movies than about historical fact.
Norse society was hyper masculine and being called womanlike was just about the worst insult you could give to someone. Nobody “worshipped” Loki, he was the antagonist/occasionally the antihero of their stories, but the takeaway of the stories was always meant to be “Loki is not a role model”
Why do people care if a society of slavers and pillagers from 1200 years ago were progressive by modern standards? What an idiotic thing to be so confidently wrong about.