Met Shaq for about ten seconds in Atlanta about five years ago. I’m not big into sports but knew who he was and pointed to him and said “Hey, aren’t you famous?” He laughed and said “I guess so.” We talked for a second about the city and he went on his day. My general impression was that he was a nice, down to earth guy.
imagine having functionally unlimited money.
And apparently the man is worth $500 million. By ultra rich standards that’s not even wildly wealthy. How many people could somebody like Warren Buffet pay education costs for?
Average cost of college is under $150k/person. Warrant Buffet is worth $133,500,000,000 (rounded heavily). Warranty buffet could pay for approximately 890,000 people to go to college.
However given the fact that is most of a million people, and how much of a racket education in the US, I think the actual figure is much higher, because he could do several things to drastically reduce the overhead involved.
It would be far cheaper for him to build an accredited college and fully staff it for 20 years, providing free education, books, and rooms, to everyone who attends.
i love how warren’s name deteriorates every time you type it 🤪
Weren’t buffet
Average cost of college is under $150k/person
My guy, what? Tuition prices in the US are fucked, but “under $150k/person” is such a weird way to put $25,290
That’s for 1 year’s tuition. I looked up the average for 4 years plus books, supplies, fees, etc.
That must be heavily skewed by expensive out-of-state colleges. I’m finding average yearly in-state tuition costs quoted between $7-10k.
You’re talking to the average gullible idiot who falls for “fiscal conservative policies”, this is how they always frame gov spending or anything else, leaving out 80% of the costs, ignoring the bigger picture. Also always being confidently incorrect.
To me sounds like a great guy, though he should have just went to a real university.
Shaq just wants the knowledge. He doesn’t need to pay for “elite” accreditation.
Why go to an online university if you don’t want an online education? There are plenty of places that have in-person classes, without being elite or elite priced.
Why go to an online university if you don’t want an online education?
It’s only an online university with less than 15 students.
There are plenty of places that have in-person classes, without being elite or elite priced.
One of which was shaq’s choice.
He was probably also paying for privacy.
I would vote for Shaq for President.
You should really look into this Prince. He’s such a genuinely good person, savvy entrepreneur, hardworking individual who is genuinely interested in ‘doing good for the sake of doing good’'.
The big one for me is the Shaq Shoes. He specifically built a brand of high quality basketball shoes that don’t look like trash because kids were getting killed over Jordons and Shaqs Reebox brand were too expensive.
Brief article on it:
Shaq would be an awful president. Excellent basketball player and major respect to him for that choice on shoes but this does not translate into the skills, or knowledge that should be required to be a political leader.
Eh should be better than senile genocider or senile absolute psychopath
He is a overall a good dude. I love what he did with his Sneakers:
As per Joe Pompliano, In 1998, when Shaq was on his way out of the Orlando arena, a mother was seen cursing at him. She posed the question, “Why don’t one of you s** o** a B****** make an affordable sneaker?” in front of him that made him wonder. He even offered her $200 which she violently refused.
The Lakers legend stopped to think about the enormous difference in the actual cost of basketball shoes and how much a typical family could spend. This led to his decision to leave Reebok and start his own line. A thought occurred in Shaq’s mind and he turned to the biggest retailer in the world, Walmart.
It’s been two decades, and Shaq has been selling most of his shoes at Walmart for $15-$30, compared to Nike’s $200 and more. This helped him sell over 120 million pairs of shoes.
Heartwarming sweatshop labour, although I expect that’s the case at both price points.
Are there companies that make stuff without child slavery?
A lot of stuff actually. Many countries have strong anti child labour laws. Of course I know illegal sweatshops do still exist.
A shoe factory in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies in the world now.
I imagine so, but sweatshops full of adults don’t strike me as much of an improvement.
Isn’t Shaq known to be a legendarily nice, chill dude?
(Tracker removed) aight that’s pretty good, brutal but good
I had a series of classes in college with 6 students, including myself. If one of us failed, the rest wouldn’t be able to do the next course in the series. It didn’t help that the classes were some of the most difficult in our major. Barely made it through all 4 classes lmao
Sounds like some once in a lifetime team building experiences
He could have went to a state college or university system instead of the for-profit University of Phoenix.
Shaq is great but he chose an online for profit school with accreditation concerns and then paid them more money so it wasn’t online.
He paid to not have to deal with the general public interrupting his academic learning time.
He seems a nice guy but I lost some respect when he did gambling advertising in Australia.
Every comment:
Shaq’s great, but **goes on to describe something decidedly not great**
Let me say this, between him making fun of a handicapped person on social media and him buying a tiger from Joe Exotic I’m gonna go ahead and say he’s just a straight up piece of shit.
He generally comes off as a nice person but he’s pretty irresponsible and ableist. People always want to build up images of celebrities but they’re just human beings with flaws like anyone else.