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I can’t believe they’re remastering Combat Evolved again, but not Halo 3.
Well, as long as they do a better job than the original CE Anniversary, I’ll probably play it.
Honestly, 3 doesn’t really need it. The art direction is excellent and just inceasing the render resolution works great. Same with ODST and Reach.
I would like them to fix the 60 fps cutscene issue. None of the original cutscenes were designed for that high frame rate, they just artificially sped them up which makes a lot of the Halo 3 cutscenes look weird. I’d at least like a proper port, kind of like what Nixxes has been doing for Sony games on PC.
Bruh, another game that has been remastered twice.
I’m a huge Halo fanboy and even I don’t need this.