Don’t give them too much credit, they only did it because they saw the demographics shifting and possible profits. It will always come down to money. If the GOP takes power and turns full authoritarian and tells them they can’t outwardly show support, see how quick they shut their mouths.
I don’t think anyone’s giving corpos credit, just acknowledging that public opinion has swayed to the point that corpos show pride because it’s profitable for them to do so.
Don’t give them too much credit, they only did it because they saw the demographics shifting and possible profits. It will always come down to money. If the GOP takes power and turns full authoritarian and tells them they can’t outwardly show support, see how quick they shut their mouths.
If anyone doesn’t believe this, please look at Target or Budweiser. Even better, watch John Stewart’s bit on corporate pride.
I don’t think anyone’s giving corpos credit, just acknowledging that public opinion has swayed to the point that corpos show pride because it’s profitable for them to do so.