I don’t see a Power Glove. You’re only at maybe 10% total power without the Power Glove. It has THAT much power.
Its no coincidence that the 80s was the decade of greed and indulgence, and it was the same decade the power glove was released, but never replicated.
had one as a kid, it was terrible even by kid standards. I used to pretend to be a cyborg cop with it and my gray light gun though.
Get rid of the plastic, attach it to one of your own gloves.
Way better experience. Also really good for home grown vr in the early 90’s (combined with some LCDs nabbed off camcamcorders and a VGA to s-video (or composite) converter).
i’d love to see a new powerglove. Though I think at this point an esp32 and some sensors could do all the same tricks… Hmmmm…
Keep those eyes out for working CRTs in thrift stores and garage sales. Or, I guess, estate sales? Or idk, whatever it’s called when they give dead old people stuff away. It’s a dying breed.
Point is, you need a curved screen and crazy strong scan lines. 4:3 ratio or bust.
Shouldn’t your hands be all wrinkly or something?
Love the ps1 tho
Is there an extension cable involved!? Fabulous.
From THAT distance? I don’t see why there would be. The most inaccurate thing about the NES Classic was it’s rediculously short cable.
The original was like "Hey, want enough cable to throw out your window, into your neighbors house, and they play from their bedroom? WE GOT YOU!!!
I’m exaggerating quite a bit, but it helps paint the difference between 80s and 2010s.
You should check out an original Famicom, then. Not only are the controller cables only about two feet long, but they’re also permanently affixed to the console. Well, unless you’re willing to dismantle it, anyway.
It seems Nintendo expected gamers to keep the console in front of them and connected to the TV via a cable running across the floor, rather than our now familiar methodology of keeping the console under or next to the TV and only bringing the controller(s) with you. The limited amount of space in Japanese households may have also had something to do with it.
Anyway, if you’re a modern western gamer nowadays it’s annoying as hell. Big N made the right choice when they brought the system to the US in not only making the controller cables significantly longer, but also unpluggable.
Maybe not that long, but they were long enough. We didn’t have 70" HD screens back then, and if you sat further back than 3’ you couldn’t see shit!
Definitely not long enough for me to sit on the couch and play in the living room. I had to get a bluetooth adapter for that.
Came here expecting to see a power glove. Am disappointed.
I love the Power Glove… It’s so baaaaaad.
Get you some plastic restore to take that yellow out.
Unless that’s your jam.
Dang even your cable box is classic!
Your posts make me jealous. I wish we were friends.