Mandatory forehead tattoos? I dunno, sounds suspiciously like the Mark of the Beast™
Naw, the mark of the beast is donned willingly. Most of the ones I see are red hats that say “Make America Great Again” in white text.
It makes them easy to separate for entry upon the short bus 😁
Anyone remember when he preyed on the greatest fears of Christians to manipulate the vote by implying that Obama is the Antichrist?
Wooo, thats a dusty comment section! Didnt know chuck had drank so much of the kool-aid. Thanks for sharing.
from the party of “dOnT nObOdY tElL mE wHuT tA dOoOoOoO”
Look! Its cuck noris!!
Remember that movie where Bruce beat the crap out of chuckie?
God I hate that c word.
Anybody got a source on that quote? Looked for a minute but didn’t find proof he said that. Chuck is a dumbass and those sentiments are echoed here, but this kind of seems like a fake meme quote to me. Please provide a source if I’ve missed it!
Spoiler: It’s a humorous text
But it’s… well it’s something…
If I’m elected president, I will…
Bring on Donald Trump as my apprentice. When my presidential term is complete and he has obtained his black belt, or whichever comes first, he can buy the White House and of course rename it (to, what else, “The Trump House”).
Create new immigration legislation: to deport all liberals (then force them to listen to Bill O’ Reilly every day for five years, at which point they may return).
Require Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to personally pay for national, comprehensive medical coverage for every American.
Chuck Norris is a Socialist he’s just too dumb to realize it.
This is like half of Americans.
This isn’t even Socialism, this is just a basic provision against being a Dystopia.
Require Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to personally pay for national, comprehensive medical coverage for every American
Weird that he’s ok with taxing billionaires so they can provide universal health care. I see this was in 2007, so when Obama proposed it in 2009, I’m sure he did a complete 180.
Thanks for providing this. Very well might be the source of the quote based on the date published.
Also is known for promoting falsehoods and is considered a hate group so I think there’s still a decent chance that even that article linked isn’t a real quote from Norris, though it might be since he was self-promoting via “Chuck Norris facts” for a while.
Jesus. The foreshadowing with trump. Chuck is cray cray.
OP doesn’t care about the truth, only finding reasons to be outraged. Take everything they post with a huge grain of salt.
Herald for a fascist theocracy.
What does Bruce Lee have to do with this?
Known Atheist, could beat the living shit out of Chuck Norris… had it filmed once.
They were both famous around the same time, had similar followings and Lee was an atheist.
Norris won a martial arts tournament, and Lee invited him to be the last or second to last boss fight of a movie he was working on, it’s how Norris got famous, in the film Lee beats him, idk. I thought it was just a pop culture reference.
Norris and Lee sparred a few times off camera. Norris said of the experience, “I only ever touched him because he let me.”
Well, yeah… Chuck is about as formidable as soft cheese.
He mentions Bruce Lee in the same post.
Water can flow or it can crash…become water, my friend.
If I was president I would make all automatic checkouts illegal unless they provide a discount to the customer for using them oh and all those stupid one way barriers at the entrances of storrs must be smashed with hammers
Wow did he really say that? He instantly went from 0 to 100 on the asshole scale. I’ll definitely spread the word.
Don’t know if he said that, but he is a conservative piece of shit.
He wrote it in a tongue-in-cheek article.
I don’t like the guy, but I read the article and I chuckled a couple of times.
Chuckle Nortis
He also has some supplement brand that him and his kid sell that he claims cured his wife after she was poisoned by an MRI or something like that. Don’t quote me on it. That’s just what I remember from his trash youtube ads.
If I was president I would make Tuesdays a holiday
I would do a new calendar, 5 day weeks, 3 on 2 off, and the leap year day is always an extra off day.
365 days in a normal year, even 73 weeks a year… make Leap Day a special case that’s never part of a week (ie. week ends, Leap Day, next week starts) and that’d be quite nice. I’d also want to fix time units on a smaller scale but the 60/60/24 may have additional issues with replacing.
A religious dumbass would oppress and attack others? Shocker.
That’s a great way for ol’Chuck Norris to finally put those jokes to rest when he messes with the wrong atheist.
Such a good movie!
I remember watching it as a kid and being like “is that chuck Norris?”
wait if I am a non american atheist can I get my own country’s flag instead of Muricah?
Nope, American
exceptionalistSupremacist drit. You get the American flag and reference to the American god stamped on your head./sThe world would be so better off if the dystopia would just Balkanize already. Saying that as an American.