I like shorts.
They’re comfy and easy to wear.
I’m actually wearing a skort.
I want someone to make a comic strip of a skort-wearing skwerl that goes to skool.
I also want that. Wish I could draw.
deleted by creator
I used to laugh at that little boy who said shorts are comfy and easy to wear, but by God was he right about it.
Top percentage right here
battle music ensues
I often would rather be cold in shorts than uncomfortable in pants
Loose comfy sweatpants are the exception to this, and work from home has spoiled regular pants for me
…I hate when people only look at clothes for fashion and their appearance. Clothes sound be more functional then anything.
I’ve seen people try to say that shorts are “unprofessional” but my counter is being a sweaty mess is worse. If it isn’t cold enough to warrant pants, in wearing shorts!
Yes. The idea of what’s professional needs to adapt to our changed climate. If I dressed like that in the summer heat I’ma pass out.
I’m baffled how much people care about other people’s clothing. It’s childish. How do shorts or pants have anything to do with professionalism?
Hi! I like shorts! They’re comfy and easy to wear!
Time for a battle!
Ugh this is what I have to deal with. I have to wear slacks when I go to work and it’s awful right now in this hot weather.
I agree but for me shorts are bad because they reveal more of “me”. They also make my shoes look even bigger if my pants aren’t going over them.
Why do we design other buildings than concrete cubes? Why do we plant trees on the side of the road? Why do we put paintings in our hallways? Why do we paint our walls anything other than hospital grey? Why do websites have CSS? Why do we gift each other flowers?
Esthetics, self-expression, culture. Fashion is the most personal form of self-expression, it should not be a surprise that people care about it so much.
I don’t care if you wear socks and sandals, you don’t have an obligation to partake in cultural norms, but going all the way around to “fashion is stupid and clothes are just there for wind protection” is nihilistic beyond usefulness.
Clothes have function over style. If you pick style over function, you’re in for a bad time.
They still build buildings with a strong foundation regardless of how pretty it looks…function Over style still wins.
Trees provide protection from sun. Function over style.
It depends.
Shop clothes/yellow jacket? All function (usually).
Literally any clothes when it’s 30+ °C outside? Style/cultural norms.Most situations sit somewhere in the middle, but most people care at least a little bit about style. It’s not a fight, and I don’t understand why you frame it as such. It’s perfectly possible to wear functional clothes that also fit and with colors that don’t clash (actually most people who say they don’t like fashion have ill-fitting clothes, which is less functional).
I also wear Tevas( sandals) ! Of course I also haven’t had a date in years…
Because you’re happily married, right?
Holy crap going through that section in (EDIT: Pokémon) Red was more or less hell
You don’t wear shorts because legs, I don’t wear shorts for mosquito defense. We are not the same LMAO
I am a mosquito banquet actually. There’s always a bite on the back of my knee even if I wear pants.
Legs are just arms with shitty hands.
Arms are just legs with shitty feet.
Nah our hands make much better foot substitutes than our feet do hands substitutes. Walking on your hands is way easier than trying to paint a masterpiece or code for hours with your feet!
Nah, check out some apes, they’ve got opposable thumbs on their feet. Our feet are objectively worse, you can only stand on them.
We’re a lot better at standing, walking, and running long distances. Not sure if I’d say objectively worse, just better at different things (but objectively way less cool than peeling a banana and eating it with your feet).
We’re a lot better at standing, walking, and running long distances.
I spend significantly less time doing those things than doing activities that would benefit from having more hands.
I propose retractable foot thumbs, so you can have human-like feet for walking and monkey-like feet for playing the piano with your toes
A lot of body parts would be better retractable but that would also be quite the unprecedented mechanism, so durability wouldn’t be great. Sadly, it just wouldn’t be practical
You may have discovered the secret of how to return to monke.
Heh in German the word for gloves is literally hand shoe. So you’ve a very German pov.
Same in Dutch. Handschoen.
Neovictorianism in the time of onlyfans is exactly what I was expecting in 2024
Neo victioroanism has been around for a while. Fainting couch feminism as is called.
This is such a trans tweet lol
I feel that way as a cis guy. :(
It’s not unheard of among cis men too, my dad was always struggling to bulk up his legs because he thought they looked too skinny. Trans people just tend to be extra vulnerable to feeling pressure about their bodies, both for dysphoria reasons and societal reasons.
There’s body dysmorphia too, which affects cisgender people. In my case it would be more the body hair I guess. And unfortunately shorts on men is also still kinda stigmatized, which is of course perceived worse for people who already struggle with their own body or have anxiety issues.
I think this applies to almost everybody.
Maybe. It doesn’t apply to me. I love shorts, I love my legs.
Haven’t shaved my legs since 2019 and it’s the best. I only shave my pits at this point because my sweat smells worse with hair there. Everything else is free, as nature intended.
Opposite here. Used to never shave. Shaved and the smoothness is intoxicating. It’s a pain to do tho.
Taking the time to do it is part of why I stopped. I have better shit to do than worry about body hair that’s there for a reason lol.
A… are you all women? Or are men like supposed to shave their legs too and somebody forgot to tell me?
No one is supposed to do anything.
Were hurling through space on the crust of a molten core rock, orbiting an angry fusion reactor.
Do whatever, star stuff
I’m a woman, but can’t speak for anyone else here. Also, you do realize that anyone can shave as little or as much as they want regardless of gender, right?
Of course, my comment was mostly intended humorously.
At the same time, social norms and customs do exist and while anyone is free to ignore them, I was also curious if it had become common for men to shave their legs when wearing shorts.
I’m glad the social norms say I don’t have to shave anything because when it grows back, it drives me insane for about 2 weeks.
Let me get you another copy of that memo, mmmkay?
I really never understand any amount of shame of one’s own body. Like I understand tons and tons of people feel it but I don’t understand why.
I think it boils down to a fear of rejection.
Our entire lives we watch pretty people on TV being pretty, that’s the most influential standard for “pretty” we have, and still sometimes the script calls for one of them to be labelled as “ugly” and to be ridiculed or rejected from the “cool ones” because of it. Think of all those beautiful acresses cast as nerdy characters who’s hair was put into a ponytail, who got given glasses and a singular fake pimple (of even) and everyone pretended like they were some epitome of unattractiveness
obviously TV didn’t make this problem, but it sure as hell made it worse.
you don’t want to be ugly, because the ugly ones don’t fit in, the ugly ones don’t eat with us, the ugly ones are poor and smelly, so you don’t want to be seen as ugly, do you?
I have scars / bumps on my legs that I am self conscious about. I wanted to wear a dress to a party in mid summer. Two months of extreme effort to moisturize and not scratch and I thought they looked pretty darn good … For me at least. My niece asked why I had polka dots on my legs within two minutes of greeting me. Kids just be spittin’ truth. So I cover my legs.
Who cares? I know you do, but don’t, nobody else is going to look at your legs and think anything other than it’s a set of legs. Be comfortable in your own skin, it’s yours and if anyone has a problem with it, you know they’re just a tiny hateful piece of shit that’s jealous of you.
Agree. I know it’s hard, but the best thing you can do is respond “that’s just the way my body is!” It will make her more confident with her natural flaws seeing someone she loves being confident with theirs.
For me it’s the result of lasting trauma from when I was bullied as a child for wearing “short shorts”. Not that I had a choice in the matter because my mom was buying all my clothes at the time and wasn’t about to replace a bunch of perfectly good (in her opinion) shorts. My only recourse was to just wear jeans all the time from then on until I was able to buy my own clothes but by then I was more comfortable in jeans all the time.
It’s like a defense mechanism for me. Imagine you are always an outsider and you see that people who are insiders get treated super badly at some point just for not looking “perfect”. You start to be cautious about what you wear and how you look, because you need all the tricks you can get to finally fit in. You want friends to, maybe even find love. Everything social in your life might depend on it and who are you to doom yourself. What, you still haven’t done it? Look how easy all of them do it, but you are still just trying? Well it can’t be everyone else can it? There must be something more, maybe you’re not trying hard enough. Maybe you are just too dumb to really try, maybe your stupid body is just too misshapen to get comfortable. Maybe it’s you. You are the problem.
Anyway, there’s some context. Oh and also if you throw body dysmorphia in the mix the thoughts sound even more crazy.
Oh also for anyone wondering, I don’t have it as much so don’t worry about me, but I have this just a little bit so I can at least feel how other people hone in on this stuff.
So it’s not a fear of being judged but rather a fear of consequence for not adhering to a standard?
I can’t speak to everyone, but for a lot of women my age, it’s because we grew up being bombarded with images of objectively thin women and being told that they were fat. You couldn’t go to the grocery store without seeing magazines talking about celebrities with cellulite and the tone was always, “can you believe she went out like that?” I remember Jessica Simpson wearing this outfit and being called awful names for how “big” she looked. It’s hard to get past literal decades of that shit.
She may not be as slim as in her early career, but she still looks great. However, those pants are doing some serious work!
The pants were hideous, but she was a size 4 in that picture. People called her fat when she was a size 2, though, because she wasn’t as bone-thin as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.
People are fucking stupid.
Okay but if you think your body and heart is strong and capable then why give a fuck what some worm who works a dead end job for a Gossip Magazine might hypothetically think? Like, I don’t deny the culture you described exists, but you’re your own person with full control of your actions. The people, who might shame you, should be seen as weak and foolish for doing so. Laugh at them. Be comfortable in your skin. No one else can be you. You’re the one. Being the best you does not mean being the idol envisioned by others.
No offense, but that’s some real thanksimcured material. If people could just say they’re not going to care about the opinions of others and have that switch actually flip, society would need like, 50% fewer therapists, but it doesn’t work like that.
I can see where you’re coming from, but this is the start - identifying that it’s foolish to care about what other people think about your body, especially people you don’t know or care about. Do you think you look good in that outfit? Then why care what the people at the store / party / etc. think?
You can choose to work on improving your body through diet and fitness, but do it for yourself - If you do it for others, you will never be happy because there’s always someone out there who will tear you down, who is prettier, you will likely always have a bit of cellulite, flaws, etc.
I don’t want to make it sound like it’s easy (it’s not), but you have to start somewhere, and a mindset change is a good place to start.
You say that disregarding people’s opinions isn’t so easy while disregarding my opinion, so there you go. My comment is somehow more silly to you than fear of the guy who called Jessica Simpson fat?
Gender dysphoria
Some shorts might be gendered but I think in a general sense they’re absolutely not.
It’s not the shorts, it’s the legs.
I don’t even think thigh and below can even be differentiated between genders, can they? Just throw some kneesocks on.
Im just out of shape dude. Mind you I can still break someone over my knee, but having a guts a bit uncomfortable both physically and emotionally.
Well, I suppose the shorts weren’t going to shave themselves.
You clearly have not lived with 32°C
It’s going to be 34 here this week. I’ll probably be at home in my underwear.
when it’s anything above +25, i stay at home naked with my ac on. if i have to go somewhere, linen shorts and t. and i still sweat like a pig.
You’re at home. Who cares. Be comfortable
You wear underwear at home?
My woofy gets cold otherwise…
When it’s really hot and humid (like this week), boxer briefs keep my balls from sticking to my legs.
I come from the north; anything above 20° and I graduate to the shorter shorts.
Anything above 8° is shorts weather unless you’re hiking. Going by your instance though, I guess hiking isn’t an option for you.
I usually say 10° but the threshold often strays a bit lower. Yeah, not much hiking to be done around here, ha, actually I’ve just been travelling somewhere a bit further south and I looked out the window and said “hills! I remember these!”
It could be 40 and I wouldn’t even consider purchasing shorts.
You must enjoy some schweddy balls
My comfort clothes are jeans. I wear them year round in Houston Texas. I’m also pale as a ghost.
Jean shorts exist.
I’m not much of a jorts man
Whatever you do, don’t spill blood on your jorts
Now I’m going to have BDG’s Old Bay jingle in my head all day because that’s how my brain works. Thanks?
May our legs provide light and guidance to those lost in the night.
Idc legs are hot 🦵🤤🥵
the truth
i fucking love shorts because i can show off my meteoric thunder thighs to the world and slay the day
Who cares how your legs look like? Do you also always cover your arms because you don’t like people seeing them?
Never. I don’t care what people believe in their religion but I think nothing is stupider than religions that make you wear clothes that cover you all over.
I saw a little Muslim girl diving into a pool one day in a heavy plaid shirt and a hijab, and I just couldn’t believe how stupid that is. You’re like 8, what’s sexual about you?
The Prophet Muhammad married an 8-year-old. That kind of puts it into perspective.
Well yes, but in the modern day world I think a little kid should be able to play in the pool with other kids unencumbered. I actually hate hijabs and think they’re oppressive AF.
I agree, and I think they should have been free to do what they wanted back then too.
Long sleeves ftw