I half remember being told this originally came from bonehead. so like a bonehead would make a mistake like that. which then got shortened to boner.
there was an 80s kids show where one of the characters was literally named boner lolllll
I’m assuming boner here means mistake but actual boners can be mistakes sometimes and lead to unintended consequences
What’s the actual meaning of boner?
You shall rue this day apparently.
Still means “bested” to me. I’m not hip to sexual slang.
Clearly you are if you know what type of slang “topped” is lol
At my age I just assume anything I don’t know is sexual.
Don’t you come “bussin’ no cap” at me young man, I’m happily married.
Such rizz for a jballer!
Are you… are you hitting on me?
Reading all this, I gotta ask; Did it work?
Yes, veroxii and I are married now.
It’s clearly sexual from the context of the meme. Pretty much any time this happens, it’s sexual in nature. Otherwise it would just be confusing rather than presented as humorous.
“Topping” means taking an active role in sex, whereas “bottoming” is a passive role.
Nyeah… partly.
If that were entirely true, a “power bottom” would make no sense.
The terms sexual usage originated in gay circles where it only delineates who penetrates and who gets penetrated. Traditional views on sex ascribe a submissive or passive role to the bottom and an active or dominating role to the top, but you can totally have a power bottom who takes control and an active role in the intercourse but is the one getting penetrated.
My favorite is the Nixon campaign buttons that says “They Can’t Lick Our Dick”
That’s not a language change, they knew.
What?? 😭
Get topped idiot
Good for her.
At least she didn’t pull a boner.
I’ll show them how many boners Betty can make!!
She can pull three boners simultaneously
As another example, the man isn’t queer at all.
What is this supposed to have meant?
She got one upped, outdone, lost to her rival, and now needs to take it in ass again from her.
Mmmhmm, yup, yeah, wait…wut??
I’ve seen the source, it’s all true. That’s why they eventually formed a poly triangle with Archie, and, occasionally, The Predator.
I don’t think the Riverdale show is canon in the comics
Well, mayhap I stand corrected.
Of course, it’s comics so it could just as easily be another Riverdale canon they’re colliding with that just looks like the show and is exactly like it except the couple things they changed…
But as an old fucker, I don’t know the current meaning.
the same one, but it’s used in a sexual context. Being the top is being the dominant one on a relationship, sexually speaking.
Oohhhhhhhh. Thanks
Something like “one-upped”, I believe.
Bottom energy.
This apparently changed around the same time people stopped using “Give 'em the high hard one”.
I dunno, the looks on the bystanders faces implies it’s got the same impact as it might today.
If you want some cultural whiplash, read the first Archie comic. You’ll know why when you get there.
Is it about Veronica being called a “sub-deb”?
Could you give us a link?
lol I’m not reading 60 pages of ancient manga for a single joke
It’s not even a joke, as far as I can tell they’re referring to the only nonwhite character who looks like a racist caricature but it’s actually such an outdated caricature that it didn’t register for me at first.
It’s honestly a less offensive caricature than I was expecting, considering the time period
It’s about on par with the level of caricature the white characters are drawn with
The way he speaks is worse than the looks imo, but still not as bad as it could be.
It’s not from Japan
I read it, no clue what you were referring to
I read it just and there was definitely some very 1940s lingo but was there one in specific that you were referring to?
What even are you talking about, I wasted my life going through 10 pages for nothing