God this game was soo good and horrifying
One of the first games I encountered that included my Steam handle in the opening credits. At first, I thought it was cute, acknowledge the player.
I quickly realized it was a reminder. You are always the one in control. You are always the one to pull the trigger. You are making the choice to continue, and it is always an option to walk away. To turn off the game. To try to forget.
But what is the game? I’m feeling pretty happy about it so far.
Spec Ops: The Line
Great game with some truly horrifying imagery. White phosphorous is baaaad.
And that’s the point of the game. It’s an art piece on the horrors of war.
A deep dark look at what war truly can be instead of the glorified way it’s often portrayed.
Heavy like This War of Mine and Papers Please
Glory to Arstotzka!
God, the OST alone will be forever Stück in my head.
A piece inside your head you say?
Fitting autocorrect error lol
For me it’s not the soundtrack but the voice that comes through the speakers when you call the next in line that’s stuck in my head.
The game fucks with you. You start thinking you being the hero in the story. But you keep doing more and more fucked up shit, justifying it all because the main character is blended by his sense of justice…aaaaaand a pretty heavy psychosis.
One of the most well known parts for example: You know these cool levels in CoD, when you see the battlefield from above with an infrared camera and shoot at targets on the ground? You do something similar here too. Just to see later that you just burned a refugee camp to the ground with phosphorus bombs. You get to see the whole horrific mess you just orchestrated.
Your teammates also make a lot of comments that only make sense later, when you figure out that you have lost your mind and talked to people who aren’t there, etc. probably to cope with the shit you are doing.
I can’t recommend this enough.
“Do you feel like a hero yet?”
The loading screen tips also begin to change as you progress, going from normal tips to lines like, “So, you think you’re a hero?”
One of the best games I have ever played. Short, fast, depressing af. Love it.
More games like this and HiFi rush and less yearly triple A cash grabs.
We don’t need another COD or a yearly FIFA patch, give us some damn originally and some fucking emotions besides hype building marketing techniques.
Unfortunately, Microshit shut down the devs behind Hi-Fi Rush
I know… thanks for reminding me 🤪🔫
Imagine that mission in the original Modern Warfare 2 but making that feeling last the entire game. 10/10 won’t be playing again any time soon.
Played it one time, and that’ll be all.
No need to revisit that.
RIP delisted
PTSD: The game
A white-knuckle shootout in a sandblasted derelict office building set to “Glasgow Mega-Snake” by Mogwai was a simultaneously pleasant and harrowing surprise.
Do you feel like a hero yet?
Went in expecting a slightly grittier CoD, and left with the horrors of war and saviour complexes.
I cannot reccomend this game enough - it’s just a shame it got delisted over music licencing, so you can only get it secondhand now.
This game gave me PTSD 😩
Because the PC controls were so shite? I vaguely remember having difficulty rebinding the keys and also problems with mouse sensitivity.
I only know it on PC and I never really had any problems with that, so I doubt it’s a universal thing.
Of course it’s fuckin’ Spec Ops…
Amazing game. One of the few shooters I can think of that really drove the “War is Hell” message home. Shame it got delisted over an expired music license.
Fantastic game. One of the ones that has stuck with me through the years.