me using SponsorBlock: what ad?
I have no idea what I’ve missed… Till I go to someone’s house and watch raw YouTube and it’s unbearable.
TIL about SponsorBlock and DeArrow, just wow!
This line from the website made my day: There are currently 452.934 users who have submitted 17.125.673 skip segments, which have saved a total of 4185 years and 4.84 days of people’s lives.
I forgot that periods are used in some places instead of commas for thousands and was wondering how you could get 0.934 of a person
For some reason though its written as 4.84 instead which I thought should be written as 4,84?
Go Canadian, use spaces 452 934
Are spaces used in place of commas in regular casual conversations, too? In Australia, I’ve only ever seen them used in really formal documents like financial reports, never really anywhere else
I was taught to use spaces for thousands in Canberra
Using commas looks weird here. You never really see anything other than spaces unless it’s foreign
And what do I do with all of that time? Watch more YouTube videos, of course.
What is dearrow ?
DeArrow is an open source browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube. The goal is to make titles accurate and reduce sensationalism. No more arrows, ridiculous faces, and no more clickbait.
Oh cool it’s made by the same person that made sponserblock
I do appreciate when they put actual effot in but with Sponsorblock i rarely see them. This meme still applies for when they get passed sponsorblock though lol
How have I never heard of this?! I just installed it, trialled it on a YouTube video, and it’s instantly one of my favorites.
Thank you!!
For anyone in a similar boat:
On that note… Also take a look at DeArrow
Same dev as SponsorBlock, same concept, just for YT Titles and thumbnails.
Users can submit titles that better describe the contents and pick a neutral thumbnail.
Also request a demo if you don’t want to pay, it will get approved
i also have DeArrow and it’s such a subtle change that you don’t even realize until you’re browsing the Tube on another device. Hoooly shit. i could feel the pressure from all the clickbait.
After Ublock, its easily my favourite addon
We will dive into the history of this franchise, but fir—
The franchise began in 1967, when…Me:
Don’t forget to upvote good segments and downvote bad ones. Segments that are downvoted enough get hidden or removed. That’s a pretty big part of how they prevent malicious people (possibly with outside instances) from trying to sabotage the network
Love seeing on the timeline where right after the ad is the ‘most played’
this is Drew Gooden and The Yard for me. i have whitelisted them on sponsorblock because their ad reads are so fucking funny. also obligatory shoutout to Internet Comment Etiquette
StyroPyro: “btw this table I’ve been using for the video? It’s great, they sent it to me free. Watch me try to light it on fire!!”
How can you skip that?!
PS: big F U to US health insurance industry: I’m sick in a bizarre and horrifying way
Insurance company : Oh you paid for insurance but we won’t cover your costs
Finally claims insurance after months of waiting
Hospital : You have an insurance so the bill is 8x higher but no you don’t need to pay all of them half is paid by insurance not you only have to pay 4x the money without insurance
but you have to pay the full amount anyway and go through insurance because you have a deductible that needs to be met because your annual physical isn’t supposed to happen until November when you get time off around Thanksgiving but you don’t want to have to pay the full non-insured price of this and not count it to your deductible when you KNOW that you’ll have to pay the full cost of that primary care visit and your 45-year-old colonoscopy coming up and everything is terrible.
Nope still an ad
Yes. But at the same time I’m actually okay with ads for products that are legitimately good and are relevant to me, so long as I know they’re an advertisement.
Products need marketing. It’s reality. I’d rather get my marketing in the form of a recommendation or review from a trusted source than a random video shoved down my throat.
A easy example of a good source for me is MKBHD. He gets free stuff and sponsorships, but is selective regarding what he’ll accept sponsorships from, is very clear when a segment is sponsored, and will absolutely say a product is bad or overpriced even if he got it for free.
Exploiting trust is worse. That parasocial z-list celebrity isn’t recommending something - they were paid to read corporate propaganda.
The most painful version of this is Lindsey Ellis’s video on “Manufacturing Authenticity.” It ends with a deep sigh and an ad read. The brand knew she was doing a video about how brands pay the popular kids to shill their whatever, and they did not care, because all that matters is getting a known face to say the words.
You’re part of the problem
What is the problem they’re so pragmatically a part of? And how do you pin both the content creators needing to eat and the reasonable take of that commenter on the poor Marketing executives who care about neither but just want–actually what do they (end goal of marketing, literally, semantically) want, in your eyes while you’re at it? It is their (the marketing execs) side I take it you’re on, since the commenter you replied to is part of the problem and the creators do “an ad is an ad” things?
Challenge; remember capitalism exists in the world as it must as the beginning of your answer (but if you can make it vanish and it all works out by the end of the answer, that’s cool too as lots of us are looking for that one).
How is that other commenter part of the problem, actually part of the problem suspect?
Did you guys know if you VPN through Albania, you don’t see YouTube adverts?
I sure as hell didn’t until a few weeks ago.
Anyway, do whatever you want to with this information :)
Any idea of why is that?
I’ve read they aren’t legally allowed to show ads in some countries.
YouTube does not have any customers in Albania
MapMen. I still rewatch some of their ad skits just because they were catchy and fun.
The sponsor ads work when they’re neatly aligned aligned with the video’s concept. It wouldn’t budge me to see a manufacturer sponsor a PC build video where one of their products are being used. Or channels like GradeA where they advertise the sponsors in a similar way to their vids.
What breaks it is when you can feel the ad clearly feels like a last minute insert (which it feels like almost all the time). Even the bigger creators out there do this.
So anyway, has any of you motherfuckers heard about Raids Shadow Legends?
Ad is an ad. Fuck them.
Ordinary Sausage occasionally makes the ads amusing.
I like Steve Mould’s ad reads. He does science content and seems to only advertise products and services he uses, so his ads are mostly straight “this is what I like about the product, what makes it different to alternatives, this is why I use it, this is the stuff they told me to say”
He’s one of the few YouTubers I actually believe when he says a product is good
For me it’s calebcity
Advertising shits in your brain.
Personally, nope. I’m still annoyed. But yes, thanks for trying to make the ads amusing or whatever, YTers.
Me whenever I watch SomeMoreNews and Cody has something for Ground News or he chokes down his favorite drink.