Ukraine: We need some fucking Javelins
US: Here’s nothing2021:
Ukraine: We need some fucking F-16s
US: Here’s some Javelins2023:
Ukraine: We need some fucking artillery shells
US: Here’s more nothing2024:
US: Hey we got you some F-16s
America. Doing the right thing after exhausting all the alternatives.
We keep electing illiterate bible mongering morons because they accuracy represent our large population of dip-shits. Don’t expect the paperwork to be done in a timely manner.
US: we really want you to win the war… by 2067!
I noticed you skipped 2022, when the U.S. approved $100+ billion in aid.
The U.S. support hasn’t been perfect, but ragging on the U.S. without even acknowledging 2022 when they supplied billions on billions worth of aid, and downplaying other aid just reeks of wanting to be negative no matter what.
What am I looking at here? I’m not that well-versed in current-day warfare.
A guy carrying waaaaay too many rocket launchers on foot.
APILAS anti-tank launchers. It’s an old picture from a Finnish training exercise.
Did he finish the training exercise?
Nope, still going.
A good way imperialists discovered to launder money from european and americans taxpayers. Fuck Zelensky ( don’t mistake with Ukrainian people)
It’s crazy that this isn’t even the first comment I’ve seen this week arguing that the Ukraine war is somehow a conspiracy by the West to sell more weapons, as if Russia didn’t just roll up and invade them, illegally and unprovoked
It’s not a conspiracy, it’s a colossal arms industry that will bankrupt the West and Russia the day wars around the world end.
Do you recognize being invaded by a foreign country is a legitimate problem a country might have to face? If you do, and you oppose private military industry, that means you support public military industry, right?
Ofc there are situations that require military defense expenses. Once said that, using the military expenses to cross all the red lines drawn in the aftermath of WW2 is not to prevent a foreign invasion, but to instigate the chapter 3.
Do you think Russia will patiently wait until every country bordering it is pointing missiles at it? Then you understand nothing about big-scale military conflicts.
By “crossing the red lines” do you mean ex-Eastern block countries joining NATO? Those countries joined out of their own free will BECAUSE they feared Russia might want to attack them. And, oh surprise, Russia did attack the one country not sucking up to them that didn’t join NATO. Why should Russia’s security be sacred above that of all its neighbours?
If by red lines you don’t mean that, then they’ve clearly not been crossed. Russia and US or EU troops have not directly fought each other, and no country has used nuclear weapons so far.
Those damn imperialists providing weapons to a sovereign country in order to protect itself from it’s imperialist neighbor trying to annex it!
Oh, honey… You won’t find many useful idiots here. Try Reddit.
I wish that were true. Plenty of people on .ml and hexbear willing to suck up to Putin.
6 upvotes and they’re on a .de instance. Smdh
Non-credible defense is leaking.