My main problems:
- Inability to stick to lowly stimulating tasks
- Executive dysfunction
- Forgetting what I was doing every 2 minutes
Bonus mention: random bouts of anxiety
(Don’t know which subtype this amounts to)
Meds I’ve tried so far:
- Atomoxetine (extinguished the anxiety but did nothing for the ADHD)
- Methylphenidate (amplified the ED, essentially gluing me to even boring tasks. This helped for reading but not for my executively intensive physics homework, where I literally had to use my inner voice to guide myself. Did nothing for the forgetfulness.)
Has anyone had a similar response? What ended up working? I’m in the UK so there’s no Aderall.
Something you can try is magnesium supplements. Someone mentioned it to me so I’ve been doing it. It’s not as much as an ADHD medication I’m sure but it has helped. I’ve tried 3 different meds and nothing has stuck. Magnesium is helping with memory, focus and a small boost to ED. I buy mine off the shelf at target.
What magnesium do you take?
The target brand one.