Actually, him just unceremoniously dropping dead could possibly be one of the most disastrous things that could happen to the redcaps.
Cult movements need a well organized second in command who can co-opt the infrastructure to carry the message forward past the death of the founding leader/prophet/poobah/whatever.
Trump tried to have the best shot they had at that guy lynched on the steps of the capitol building, he’s blown apart any infrastructure that could survive his own demise because he refuses to accept that the world is allowed to go on without him.
There is no second in command, there is no contingency to preserve the cult, that man could die of toilet exertion tonight and by tomorrow morning we’d already be watching the whole movement collapse into infighting and sectionalism because kissing that brass calf’s ass was the only thing that bridged the fact that these people all hate each other.
Well there’s a balancing act though because I have to out-live him. I would dearly like to go to the graves of trump and McConnell to… pay my respects, as it were.
I’m not sure he has the mental capacity to understand consequences. Even if he lost all his money and sat in jail, he’d be essentially the same person. I don’t even think he would understand physical torture.
I doubt they’re giving him water other than the saline for medications and whatever they’re using as mouth swabs. Maybe running a drip at “keep vein open” rates to deliver medication, but that’s not enough to keep someone hydrated. It’ll be either today or tomorrow I bet if he hasn’t been conscious for a week. My experience with hospice usually makes folks that keep running for that long hard to even get a blood pressure reading on. But they keep on ticking sometimes.
Not necessarily a coma, but his grandson did say he’s not awake every day anymore, and I was like “Well, shit, I’m 54 and I’m not awake every day either!”
Serious question: What does not being awake every day mean? R u like sleepy constantly? Or do you just get memory holes or something? Is this common in older people?
Poor guy… Old couples rlly do pop off one after the other, huh. His wife passed last year, n he’s well on his way now…
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I sure hope he outlives Trump.
Only if he is gonna live for like 10 more years, I want to see Trump go to jail not die having never had a single consequence.
Actually, him just unceremoniously dropping dead could possibly be one of the most disastrous things that could happen to the redcaps.
Cult movements need a well organized second in command who can co-opt the infrastructure to carry the message forward past the death of the founding leader/prophet/poobah/whatever.
Trump tried to have the best shot they had at that guy lynched on the steps of the capitol building, he’s blown apart any infrastructure that could survive his own demise because he refuses to accept that the world is allowed to go on without him.
There is no second in command, there is no contingency to preserve the cult, that man could die of toilet exertion tonight and by tomorrow morning we’d already be watching the whole movement collapse into infighting and sectionalism because kissing that brass calf’s ass was the only thing that bridged the fact that these people all hate each other.
My fear is that he could live another twenty without seeing consequences. I’ll settle for having him gone.
Well there’s a balancing act though because I have to out-live him. I would dearly like to go to the graves of trump and McConnell to… pay my respects, as it were.
I’m not sure he has the mental capacity to understand consequences. Even if he lost all his money and sat in jail, he’d be essentially the same person. I don’t even think he would understand physical torture.
We ain’t that lucky
He’s been in Hospice for ~15 months now. Some people I know who have him in their deadpool are losing sleep over it.
Outlived Reagan and Bush. He’s probably holding on until Trump goes too.
I doubt they’re giving him water other than the saline for medications and whatever they’re using as mouth swabs. Maybe running a drip at “keep vein open” rates to deliver medication, but that’s not enough to keep someone hydrated. It’ll be either today or tomorrow I bet if he hasn’t been conscious for a week. My experience with hospice usually makes folks that keep running for that long hard to even get a blood pressure reading on. But they keep on ticking sometimes.
Not necessarily a coma, but his grandson did say he’s not awake every day anymore, and I was like “Well, shit, I’m 54 and I’m not awake every day either!”
Serious question: What does not being awake every day mean? R u like sleepy constantly? Or do you just get memory holes or something? Is this common in older people?
I wasn’t feelng well last week, slept all day Sunday and all day Tuesday.
Oof. Get well soon I suppose.