Plenty of Porteños I spoke with (pre Milei) had enough of previous governments’ far reaching useless bureaucracies (such as this one). I don’t like the guy’s political stances either ( i.e. licking West up the arse) but he is doing what Argentina has needed desperately for decades now.
So, fuck the climate and education I guess?
Do you seriously believe the climate will go to shit and people will turn illiterate because the mf government department of diversity got shut down?
No…? Where did I say that?
So what were you trying to say exactly?
That you are praising Milei for removing ministries. Which includes climate, education and labor.
Don’t forget science and health.
i’m surprised that guy is still in power
He’s actually 2 points more popular than when elected.
… how?!?
He’s not. You’re talking to one of the many zealots they have. While they close important ministries like this one, they are spending all the budget in online paid trolls (and it is not even a secret).
Destroying the subsidies that the previous governments had has made inflation worse in the short term but should improve it in the long term. He says this and people believe it, so they’re powering through the bad times awaiting the better times. In a way he’s in his honeymoon period, and some people like him better because he’s actually following through his policies instead of being all talk.
Austerity seems to be working
Yeah it was hugely successful in the UK, happy to see other countries learning from that. I don’t really care too much if elderly, sick and disabled people die as long as poor people don’t get any help that they don’t deserve.
In which way do you think it is working?
In what way do you think?
Why are you answering with a question?
Why are you asking a question?