Just fill the hole with JB weld, put the bolt back in, and let the next guy think he broke it.
Effing plastic fasteners, and dry wall…
Nothing that a Few Squirts of Glue™ for extra strength won’t solve.
That’s a Few Squirts of Glue™
“Surely you will not regret adding a Few Squirts of Glue™!”
You need one of these:
It warms my cold dead heart to see a proper web1.0 website
Dude was a true og. I remember reading about all sorts of stuff on this site forever ago when I was looking into building a bike: https://www.sheldonbrown.com/frame-materials.html
Unfortunately, he passed away in 2008; the site is now being maintained by his wife and close friend.
I can’t tell if this is real lmao
This product is so new that we have not yet determined the actual retail price. Whatever it turns out to be, you’ll certainly want at least one. Send us your actual credit card (not just the number!) along with a sample signature, and when the price has been finalized, we’ll charge your card accordingly.
Order one and let us know!
“What is a torque spec for 500 Alex”
Torque specs are really really important and not enough people know that to be the case
It’s no fun at all having to tap an engine block because someone didn’t RTFM. I’ve done it twice (on the same car 3 years apart) because my brother didn’t RTFM the first time, and then still hadn’t when he tried to do the water pump on his Subaru the second time. I told him that the next time it needs done to call me and I’ll do it for him for the cost of parts. He just has to call me and not fucking touch it.
For those that don’t know: RTFM stands for Read The Fucking Manual.
Tighten until you hear the crack, then back it off a quarter turn.
Nah mate, some torque specs are so low that you’ll strip it out before you hear such a thing.
Like the water pump bolts on my brother’s Subaru. 7 ft/lbs was the torque spec. Now with the new bolts I had to put in there after having to drill and tap the block it’s at the correct torque spec. He cored all but 1 bolt out before I could stop him.
Famous German dad joke: “Nach fest kommt ab” - after tight comes off.
Was looking for this :P