Yea thats not possible at all. We are lucky to even have SIDEWALKS in certain areas you have to drive EVERYWHERE. get me out.
A buddy of mine in NYC was offered a $14k bonus to move to Texas, closer to his employer. He declined for a bunch of obvious reasons, but one was that he and his girlfriend would each need a car to get around. That would quickly eat into that bonus, if not use it up entirely.
The state with the widest freeway in the world?
Just one more lane, that will fix it this time for real.
In Austin we fought tooth and nail to not have the highway expanded in downtown but the state is doing it anyway. Gonna lose some historic buildings and displace residents and solve nothing.
Drove through those one time. Only been to Texas once. We ended up on the top one of like six stacked up (not exaggerating, maybe off by one). Got a chuckle from my husband when I dramatically declared “I stand atop the hubris of man!”
If it was DFW, you’re almost certainly taking about the High 5 (exchange between I-75 and I-635,) or the Mixmaster, (exchange between I-30 and I-35.)
Both were marketed as a way to eliminate traffic between the two highways. Both are now notorious for always having traffic, because more people started driving after they were finished. I’m not sure which one is actually taller, but the High Five certainly feels taller because you have buildings on each side where you can look out and see that you’re level with their middle floors.
While also providing 0 alternatives… yeah that will work.
Ok so what should they use instead?
Texas is recommending some kind of alternative, right?
I read this in the form of the Anakin-Padmé meme.
As in Analin Slywaller?
But how they did Luke?
Maybe improve public transit a bit (read as a lot) then try asking