Polls don’t matter, especially this far out.
Vote. Put pressure on politicians to do better. But more than anything. Vote.
If the polls say he’s 100% going to win. Vote. If you’re in a state that goes blue every time for the last 100 years. Vote. If you’re in a state that goes red every time for the last 100 years. Vote.
I’m not going to vote for Biden until he stops funding a genocide. You cannot say put pressure on them and vote for them no matter what. They do not give a fuck what you think if you’re going to automatically vote for them. That’s why the uncommitted votes in the primaries scared them so much.
Trump thanks you for your service.
Put pressure on politicians to do better
And even if they dont do better, elect them anyway. That’ll teach them.
Don’t vote and help their much worse fascist opponents get elected instead, which will affect the general population, not the wealthy elites. That’ll teach them!
Either way the working class gets fucked
You’re correct. But they get fucked much harder one way than the other. It’s all about harm reduction.
Harm reduction is a myth, people have been preaching harm reduction for decades and there’s been no reduction in harm. Quite the opposite, poverty has increased. Homelessness is at a rate not seen since the Great depression, income inequality is the highest ever recorded. The most percentage of people living paycheck to paycheck is higher than any other level recorded. There has been no reduction in harm.
You are now just blatantly lying. Poverty and homelessness has been trending down for decades.
Let’s see. The government tells us that poverty is trending down for decades, yet the number of people living paycheck to paycheck has been increasing. The number of renters that cannot afford their rent has been increasing, homelessness is at the largest level ever recorded, but the claim is poverty is decreasing. Have you ever stopped to consider? Maybe they are lying?
haha bs… let me guess, this time around Biden will have 110 million votes! LMAO fake and g…
Crazy how, in a country with 255 million (in 2020) citizens of voting age, more people will come out to vote against a wannabe dictator. What could possibly possess people to want to protect their rights, right!? Must be fake.
Brah… Trump’s opposition is nearly in comatose. Which rights are threatened by Trump? I’m genuinely concerned.
Man, I’d love to be an American right now, they have to choose between a senile old man and a convicted criminal to be their leader. It sounds like it came straight from a comedy skit.
You’re slightly off. A senile old man vs a senile old man that’s also a convicted criminal.
You’re forgetting the one with brain fog due to brain worms, who drove his ex wife to suicide, and is an antivaxer.
Is that the same one who is a draft dodging little bitch and raped his ex wife so much that the state of NY changes their spousal rape laws?
Why the fuck is Trump even able to run? He’s literally a fucking criminal, and was impeached. I dont understand how our political system or even judicial systems work at this point.
Disclaimer: Fuck Trump.
That being said, convicted “criminals” should still be able to run for any public office in my opinion. A tyrant CAN capture the judiciary and imprison their political opponents. This is in fact what happened in the Indian elections right now. This is in fact what happened in the US elections in the early 1900s, where a socialist candidate ran for President from prison. What was his crime? Striking when the State had deemed it illegal to do so.
I love the fact that we can now call Trump a convicted felon
you mean, Donny J Trump, the convicted felon? I too am glad that we can officially call the convicted felon Donald Trump a convicted felon.
We will see you in the white house January 20th copeing and seething.
why would I be in the white house on January 20th?
I mean, I know my user name, but that really would be a series of poor choices.
Is your name a dig at Lemony Snickett?
a dig at? fuck no.
in reference to? yes.
an homage to? yes.
Confirmation bias on full display. Downvote all polls and discredit them if they show trump beating Biden. The other way around and they are credible polls and up voted.
This is why we see no difference between BlueMAGA and MAGA
Another bOtH siDEs clown. Go plant sunflowers.
There are no both sides. It’s one side One is openly racist and bigoted. The other is covertly racist and bigoted. But your blinders prevent you from seeing your own party is racist and bigoted
And what’s your suggestion come November. Which of the 4 choices are you going to make? Vote for Biden, Vote for Trump, Not vote, or Vote 3rd party?
Only one of those 4 choices doesn’t help Trump.
But the first two choices help the wealthy and the donor class while fucking over everyone else. We’ll swap out blue fascist for red fascist and get the same results
BlueMAGA isn’t a thing.
Real question: are you Russian? That’s some bad faith / both sides bullshit i’d expect from an operative.
You may not be familiar with it, but BlueMAGA is very much a thing.
Do you often see things that aren’t there?
🙄 I’ll take that as a yes.
Sure, because queer socialists living in Texas are often Russian
Define blueMAGA in 10 words or less.
No that’s an irrelevant asshole on twitter.
‘i could kill 45000 Palestinians and not lose a single voter’
Democrats acknowledging he’s a fuckup then demanding we reelect him is BlueMAGA, that’s no different than the cult like MAGA has for trump