Sir, it’s a meme about McDonald’s…
Post it. Full send.
Lemmy is filled with toxic, racist cretins and cool trans boys/girls and that’s it.
What about the toxic, racist trans people?
Don’t forget the cool cretins!
What if they want to be warm, though?
They front differently.
Just a software dev furry passing by
You can remove the furry in your sentence. It’s self explanatory when you mention software dev.
I used to dabble in programming as a hobby, but now I’m a disabled home-bound sysadmin and homelab enthusiast.
Oh, and a flaming gay fur.
I feel like there is a venn diagram of those two demographics
It’s a circle. One color.
! is a good bet for that
Grammar errors and misspellings are how we know that it’s from a human and not a bot. Change my mind.
If your parents wouldn’t let you see it at 12-years old, it’s too much for Lemmy to handle. Pearls will be clutched; soapboxes mounted.
Accuse Lemmy of pearl clutching??? How dare you sir/madame, how dare you insult this website so grievously, you should feel ashamed of yourself!
It’s true. I didn’t realise how much a piece of shit I was until- Waaaait a minute…
Did you just assume binary genders?
pulls out taller soapbox
How dare you!
I’ll mount your daddy
I’ll get the camcorder